Why, Mr. Dragon What Big Ears You Have:
The Dragon Hacks The Indian Navy's Computers And Makes Off With Classified Material
Update 5/28/2015: The Dragon has hacked many others since this post first appeared in 2012
Dragons, like many reptiles generally speak with forked tongues. While the PLAN Dragon has been cooperating with the Japanese and Indian Navy on counter piracy patrols off of Somalia and exchanging good will visits with Japan and India the big eared reptile has been raiding the Indian naval classified material supply. Chinese hackers have broken into sensitive Indian naval computers and extracted sensitive data. The espionage occurred around Visakapatnaw, the headquarters of India's Eastern Naval Command. Planted bugs in that location captured classified information and relayed the confidential data to an IP address in China.
The Indian Eastern Naval Command operates deployments in the South China Sea and has completed four successful missions in recent years. India's first nuclear submarine the INS ARIHANT is undergoing tests at this command as we write. The extent of the data loss is still being ascertained according to official Indian reports.
Every nation gathers intelligence on any nation of interest, we certainly gather our fair share. But, as we shall see in a near future posting, China has some risk involved in stealing secrets from the Indian Navy just now. China and India are serious regional rivals, fought a short but bloody war a few decades ago, but recently have exchanged friendly naval visits as covered in one our previous postings. China is now engaged with India and Japan in a cooperative naval arrangement against pirate activity off of Somalia. The People's Liberation Army's Navy (PLAN or as we call it "the Dragon") was benefiting greatly from these two recent activities, appearing very much like a responsible law abiding global reach navy. Then they violate the official rule "gentlemen don't read other gentleman's mail".
Of course actually we all do read each other's mail at every opportunity except when being caught red handed risks loss we can't afford. Obviously the Dragon can't restrain its aggressive nature even while openly trying to mend neighborly fences. Even while the Dragon is off of Africa with its neighbors, and sometimes enemies, India and Japan trying to appear the cooperative naval neighbor it is sending its "surveillance vessels" to Vietnam again trying to enforce its claim to virtually the beach of Vietnam.
We will post more on the PLAN Dragon in the near future, keep watching this spot. If there can be only one big power in the East, we pray it will be India, a nation not bent on central control of everything, or given over to deceit as an ordinary business method. India as a nation has never invaded any other nation. India is a real democracy and has since independence exhibited plenty of good old fashioned common sense, and good will in its rise in the world.
The Dragon fears India for exactly those reasons.
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