We Discover the Stand Up Paddle Board

Kowabunga dudes and dudets! That old navy guy had control of the dashboard for like forever! Like we are not going to be surfing the South China Sea with any regularity, right? While "Old Guy" was busy with the gloom and doom of dragon's ville we surfer elves were busy exploring some rad stuff. Man, the stand up paddle board is totally awesome! We had seen these things in the inner harbor of Annapolis area in like silk smooth water. Looked pleasant but pretty lame. People just stood on the boards which looked like modern versions of the oldest ancient Hawaiian boards, like really big and heavy looking. Then we came across this video on YOUTUBE by BODY GLOVE which manufacturers stand up paddle boards. Totally awesome!
This video has little in the way of any jaw wagging from an announcer dude but has some great music and a couple of awesome babes who get across a lot of information without any chin wagging. First we see these two babes who can't weigh 110 pounds on their fat days ( and they don't look like they have ever had a fat day ), each pick up a board with ease and stride towards the water. Man, do you need any more proof than that these things are light enough for you to haul across a beach or to ride on top of your woody without damaging the roof? They look cute from the rear as they enter the water, stand up on the boards and paddle off into slick calm water, so far we've seen it , had it, been there with the calm water paddle. Cute but lame.
But then the scene like changes and the girls are headed towards shore. The water is rough with small white caps, very choppy and disorganized. Dude, the girls are seriously SURFING this nasty chop. They do it all standing from the get go. A few fast strokes of the paddle and then they are using the paddle like a tight rope walker uses a balance pole. One girl even walks to the forepart of the board, not exactly hanging ten, but on a real board she would have lifted the skeg and pitch poled. The paddle board just kept on surfing. Dude, with something like this you could get long rides on the micro chop you find on inside waters like in bays and sounds. Watching these two babes put the stand up paddle boards through their paces made me wonder if the early Hawaii guys did more with those heavy old boards than we first thought.
Dude, your grandma could surf standing up on one of these. Your grandpa could fish from one! We could even teach the Old Guy to surf. Then he might give up the dashboard to the blog more often. If that were to happen we could tell you about more rad stuff more often. We'd hyperlink you to the paddle board surfing babe video here but then you might not come over to the surfing section to check out whats happening. We need you to come over to the surf side more often, or Old Guy may not want to pay us for working on surfing stuff any more. Dude, we'd have to get "real jobs". Man don't let that happen to us come over to the surfing section and check out the paddle board babes and and growing list of surf books we are shelving there.
(Editor's note: Yea we caught SM on the dashboard again, but we're going to let him rip but like always he needs a little explanation. The surfing section has surfing books, articles, links, and a link to our surfing ship which has links to surfing gear beyond Amazon. Below is a link to Amazon's all departments surfing merchandize also including books, videos, boards, clothing etc. Stand up paddle boards are not the exclusive province of SM. Yoiu can also find useful information in our Oar and Paddle Sports section :
Haven't got the scratch for a board? Come to the surf section and check out the Russian dude surfing on a door! Surf's not up today? Come to the surf section and check out surfing tanker wakes, awesome dude! Please visit often, we really don't want to have to get a real job. Thanks dude and dudets!

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