Update 12/4/2015 / UPdate 1/17/2020: We are unable to determine how this case ended which illustrates the American media's disinterest, but we continue our attempts to discover what ultimately happened and will publish vi an update here when we know something. 1/17/2020 we have found information that the pastors were released by a Sudanese judge in 2017 probab;y in response to prayer and pokitical effort by these folks: https://aclj.org/persecuted-church/breaking-christian-pastors-michael-and-peter-releasedo Christian Pastors From Sudan Arrested, Face Death Penalty

"Two Christian pastors from South Sudan who traveled north to Sudan and were arrested on charges of spying could face the death penalty when their trial begins next week, according to their attorneys." Fox News'.
"Yat Michael Ruot and Peter Yein Reith, both Presbyterian pastors from the breakaway Christian nation of South Sudan, are being held by Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services on charges of undermining the constitution and espionage. Their supporters say their arrest and pending trial is just the latest effort by the militant Islamist government in Khartoum to stamp out Christianity." Fox News
The basic "offense" of the pastors was meeting for worship services with other Christians stuck behind the line dividing savage, murderous,Islamic North Sudan from the South where reason still prevails. In addition to the coverage linked to at Fox News Col. Allen West has an astute opinion piece on the case. This case should be the subject of United Nations human rights attention, diplomatic protest by the entire world, even military intervention and the trial of the entire North Sudan judiciary for crimes against humanity. But since it involves Christians there will be only a bare whimper of protest. We strongly recommend reading both linked posts, this is a preview of life in America in a few years if we do not stand up to the forces of Islamification.
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