Yesterday November 10, 2017 was the 242 birthday of the United States Marine Corps and today is of official Veterans day though the legal Federal holiday was yesterday as well. Our networked organization being made up of somewhat (well OK, "really" would be a better adjective) "crusty" old vets we didn't get much accomplished yesterday due to extended self congratulatory celebration. But today we do wish to extend best wishes to our fellow brother and sister vets and to wish a Happy Birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps: For those of you civilians not familiar with the history of the founding of the US Marine Corps and for those of you new Marines who actually think the whole thing began solely during a bout of over drinking at Tun Tavern here is a link to a short semi official history of the Marine Corps
There is some serious truth to the role that Tun Tavern played in the founding of the Corps.

Pictured above is an image of the first watering hole for thirsty marines Tun Tavern from the National Archives. To learn more about the history of Tun Tavern see Tun Tavern. Contrary to some legends however the Corps did not emerge as a full blown idea after a long night of alcohol fueled excess. Naval authorities had already suggested the formation of a marine corps and the Congress had already authorized the force. What happened in this famous Marine Corps watering hole was the very first formal recruitment drive. The idea of a Corps was formed elsewhere, but what spilled forth from the tavern were the first real body of actual enlisted marines. We like to think they didn't swagger so much as stagger forth. Later they'd earn the right to swagger.
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