Friday, September 25, 2015

Putin Said to Plan Islamic State Strikes With or Without U.S.

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Putin Said to Plan Islamic State Strikes With or 

Without U.S.

  • Iran, Syria may join in attacks as Putin strengthens toehold
  • Kremlin insists U.S.-led coalition coordinate with Syria army
  • According to the Bloomberg Business Report of September 23, 2015 President Vladimir Putin, is determined to strengthen Russia’s only military outpost in the Middle East. So he is preparing to launch unilateral airstrikes against Islamic State from inside Syria if the U.S. rejects his proposal to join forces. We really see only one major hurdle in his proposal. "Joining forces" in Putin speak means coordinating attacks with Russia, the Syrian Army, and Iran. Iran is every bit as evil as ISIS and simply wants to do away with their competition for world domination as the Islamic Caliphate. In our opinion the U.S. led "coalition" has hit ISIS with nothing more than a "lick and a promise". Putin appears to actually be willing to make war on this scourge of the human race. Unfortunately a "victory" given his cohorts will simply result in a stronger, more influential, and virulent Iran.  We could articulate several options but these would require some rethinking and honesty by the Obama administration, don't hold your breath. Basically, the administration has lost the Middle East, we're looking at the beginning of the end. 

  •  Of course Russia can be pretty ham handed and Iran has bloodied hands so we might be offered another opportunity to influence events in the Middle East towards humanitarian ends at some point in the future. But taking advantage of a future discredited Russia and /or Iran will require adult leadership on the Potomac, something not seen in over eight years. Click on the link to read the full story as it appeared in the BLOOMBERG BUSINESS REPORT


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