Russian Ice Breaker, Photo by NOAA |
" If there’s any kind of misjudgment during ice navigation, a detour from the navigable route would lead to additional fuel wastage and might also get the vessel stuck in thick ice leading to dangerous situation and damage." Here is a link to an important article on key elements for ice navigation for our professional mariners. If you are planning your first voyage involving serious stretches of ice navigation we sincerely hope that your company has the foresight to pay for an "ice pilot". For better or worse more professional mariners than ever are going to experience ice navigation in the near future. Even if you have pulled every string in the book sine the start of your career to somehow stay below 35 degrees north , every professional mariner without exception should know at least the theoretical basics of ice navigation. MARINE INSIGHT recently posted an excellent introductory article that we link you to: MARINE INSIGHT
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