Monday, September 17, 2012

Viking ships in America: Links rechecked 3/10/2015


Viking ship
PD Image of Generic Viking Long Ship
       We have written before about our dedicated Viking friends of the Long Ship Company of Maryland. As you know from our previous postings they have a tendency to wander the waters near Annapolis in an Viking long boat in full dress Viking uniform complete with horns while consuming vast quantities of "mead and ale", or beer and barbecue whatever is offered in tribute to avoid invasion. 

 Rowing, sailing, and carousing is what they excel at. I personally have had an interest in the same activities for over a half a century, but alas  like the crew of the Long Ship Company, I haven't yet found a full time career opportunity in that field. 

 But hope springs eternal! The Viking movement is growing. If Viking voyager companies keep  proliferating, especially to year round open water climes Where boats stay in the water all year, there will eventually evolve a need for professional boat keepers to tend the craft between the weekend looting and pillaging. I have a friend in the Long Boat company, and our site has several members of our cyber community from the Long Boat Company, all of whom seem to know of my ultimate career ambition. I receive encouragement from them, the only people in my circle who heartily approve of such ambitions, to persevere. 

 One form of encouragement is the news that the movement is spreading.  Based on a couple of links they recently sent me the Viking have reached the West Coast! Check them out on the links below:

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