Russian Warships May Be Shutting Out Israel's Air-Force Access To Syria

Professional military airmen generally rate the Israeli Air Force tops in the world on a quality of personnel, aircraft, and effectiveness of operations basis. Interestingly the second place runner is the U.S. Air National Guard. What these two organizations probably have in common is long service by both air crews and ground maintenance. These teams work together sometime for a decade or longer. Visit the flight line today at any U.S. Air Force Base and then visit again in just three years and you'll hardly see a face from your previous visit. Its pretty much the same for most full time active duty air forces ("regulars") around the world. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) has parlayed its group cohesion, superior equipment, and guts into becoming the regionally dominant air force in the Middle East. The IAF has been an enabling player for all combinations of Israeli special forces, allowing cross border strikes and insertions virtually at will against any opponent. But from now on the risk factor for IDF overflights of Syria has just increased exponentially.
The Bear is there, and Russia is making it hot for IAF over flights. According to Russian state-controlled media; the Russian navy's Black Sea flagship, the guided missile cruiser Moscow or Moskva left from Sevastopol in the Crimea on September 24, Today, it is believed to be located to the west of Latakia, in western Syria conduting "training" as described by the Russian defense Ministry.
"In the course of the training activity, the Russian ships will practice organization of anti-submarine, anti-ship, and air defense, as well as search-and-rescue activities and rendering assistance to distressed vessels.
"During the exercise, the military seamen are to perform over 40 different combat, tasks including missile and artillery firings at surface and aerial targets."
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