THE HOLLIS "REBREATHERS"American Admiralty Books Safety & Privacy Policies `
"Rebreathers" differ from traditional SCUBA gear in that they recycle the air that the diver breathes by removing carbon dioxide by use of chemical "scrubbers", and periodically replacing the oxygen that the diver metabolizes.

When those of us with diving backgrounds here at AAB first started out in training 30 to 40 years ago, oxygen rebreathers were military equipment occasionally also used in shallow waters by photographers and marine biologists who wanted to get close to marine life without making the disturbing bubbles associated with standard SCUBA gear. The biggest advantage to rebreathers was this stealth aspect and their biggest drawback was their restriction to shallow waters (less than about 33 feet in depth). Things have changed radically in recent years but we still consider rebreathers in the realm of "technical diving" meaning something that is not covered in basic SCUBA certification courses, though it might be considered within the realm of "recreational" as well as commercial diving. We divide our our DIVING PAGES into two sections DIVING and TECHNICAL DIVING, with anything that has hazards that we feel a recreational diver should receive special training and guided experience with before undertaking as a recreational dive unaccompanied by a professional instructor as "technical". This rebreather post will eventually appear in both sections because we want to alert the recreational diving community to the new and improved rebreathers with their potential attractions especially for underwater photographers, and yet alert recreational divers that using these things requires training beyond your basic SCUBA certification. The good news is that the leading manufacturer provides reasonably priced instruction along with reasonably priced equipment. Learn more about modern rebreather diving at: Discover Rebreather Diving
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