During the American Civil War all of the Louisiana troops commanded by Gen. Robert E Lee became known as "Tigers" such as the "Tiger Rifles" and the "Tigers" of the Washington Artillery. Despite the best effort of the Tigers we lost that late unlamented unpleasantness. We really couldn't go about raising armies anymore so we named our state university football team the Tigers and they have been National Champions at least three times. We force visiting teams to enter the field past our snarling mascot Mike the Tiger.

So as you might guess here in the Bayou State we are really fond of Tigers. So when we refer to the Indian Navy as "the Tigers" we are being as complimentary as we possibly can. We have a climate a lot like southern coastal parts of India, and we have an Indian American Governor. In short, our culture is predisposed towards good will for India. Here at American Admiralty Books that has extended in our analysis of naval matters. We are generally fans of the Indian Navy , the "Tigers" and have written quite complimentary things about the Indian Navy often.
One point that we are constantly making to our American and British readers is that we believe that the Indian Navy is capable of and can be trusted with being the enforcer of international maritime law in the Indian Ocean. We trust the Indian Navy to observe and enforce the recognized limits of territorial seas, uphold free navigation of straits, and settle Exclusive Economic Zone disputes along lines described in UNCLOS. India is the world's largest democracy and one that has exhibited respect for international law. Even if technically "non aligned" we believe that India can be trusted as international watch dog over the Indian Ocean. We have advocated that the United States and Great Britain seek to help build up the Indian Navy with an eye on how we might come to its aid in an emergency, but with a determination that we will assume India has the lead for the world in the Indian Ocean.
We have exhibited concern in our blog space over India's relations with China who we don't trust any farther than we can throw an elephant. China who we refer to as the "Dragon" covets some of India's northern territory and would like to dominate the Indian Ocean as soon as it finishes dividing and conquering its neighbors and turning the East and West China Seas into a private lake. With Iran, and the Somali pirates on one side and a big ugly dragon waiting just beyond the straits on the other, India you really need a navy! We believe that you have a crackerjack top five in the World navy right now rapidly heading for the number 3 or 4 spot. We firmly believe that you will shortly possess the finest one ocean navy the world has ever seen. But we worry all the time about your seemingly non aligned status with the West and seemingly on again off again relations with the Dragon. We have been telling the English speaking world about the Indian Navy, our "Tigers" for a year. But our readership in India rarely peaks above a dozen on any one day. We have never been graced with a comment on one of our articles by an Indian Navy professional.
So we ask a favor of our select few Indian readers. Please send a link to our site to any Indian Navy professionals you know and anyone in the Indian commercial maritime community. Talk us up! Encourage India's maritime and Naval professionals to send us comments or even blog posts. American Admiralty Books doesn't just want to talk about the rising naval power of India, we want to talk to the people who are making it happen, and we want to give them an opportunity to talk with America's Maritime, Naval, and Coast Guard professionals.

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