India Has Completed Its Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile Project. Deployment Could Come In About A Year

Official US NAVY PHOTO, March 1,2001 of Trident launch, by Seaman Benjamin Crossley
India has completed development and most testing of its formerly secret submarine launched ballistic missile project. While some testing remains to be done and the carrying platform is not quite ready yet, deployment aboard an Indian nuclear submarine could come within a year. The hyper link below will take you to the full story. Additional details and developments as they emerge will be posted to our Headline Service in our News Section.
Link to Times Of India story below:
OPINION: The development of this capability shared with only four powerful nations is actually a welcome development for the region, as we view every advance by Indian Navy. Along with India's long experience with operating aircraft carriers it points to the high level of technological development and technical prowess of the Indian Navy in contrast with the still emerging yet aggressive Chinese Navy which is probably numerically superior in numbers of hulls. India, a democracy that has never invaded a neighbor is the best counter balance to China in the region and
China has demonstrated starting in the late 1980s, with its outright slaughter of Vietnamese Navy personnel over disputed territory far from the Dragon's shore, that it is an aggressive beast.
India offers China a face saving way out of its current internationally unacceptable behavior.
An agreement to come to the bargaining table with Japan, the Philippines, and others brokered by India
would look a lot like China's public pronouncements on the subject where China constantly warns nations without a territorial stake in the dispute to keep out, a thinly veiled warning to the United States.(This position is of course publicly proclaimed while China shoots the opposition.) Such a resolution would preserve the territorial integrity of China's neighbors on the China Sea and preserve international rights of transit without making China look like it was backing down to a superior power.
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