(PD) Photo by nikos karademas |
NOTICE: (1) Our new post for Sunday is a picture and link to a story about the discover of what is probably the first air craft carrier. Length 58' built about 1918. We know 58 feet! You'll just have to read the story. (2) Yesterday in our blog posts the second post was a description and link to a recent article in the electronic version of OUT DOOR LIFE describing their pick of the top eleven recreational fish landed of all time. Today that would the third post down from the end of this Home page. (3) Our first blog post yesterday was the now famous "NAMAZU FULLY LOADED , THE FUTURE OF AMERICA PARTS 1 & 2. We planned to run a blog on Monday that Namazu had prepared on gasoline prices and realized that he was basically reporting that yet another of his predictions in "Namazu Fully Loaded..." was coming into reality. So we attempted to link to that well known post. When we found we couldn't link we discovered that the article dated in late 2012 had been automatically sent to the "cloud" for storage. We also discovered that we have about 50,000 visitors who have never had an opportunity to read this post that quote at least monthly. So this weekend we post again in one piece parts 1 &2 together and that should start the cloud filing clock over again. Even if you were with us when it was first published it is worth a second look. The catfish is amazing.
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3. NEW VISITOR? Click here for a short video explaining our purpose and mission, a basic site guide, short cuts etc. INTRODUCTION
4. Looking for maritime links? We link to maritime information sites throughout the special interest pages based on the special interest subject. But we also have an indexed collection of most of the world's English language maritime web sites. Click here: THE BIG LINKS LOCKER
Looking for past essays by the our top analyst, Namazu, former Japanese Giant Catfish demigod. His stuff is spread all over the blog but we are building an archive so you might want to check there first: EVERYTHING NAMAZU
6. We've been following the aggressive actions of the Chinese Navy and Coast Guard for nearly two years now. We are working on an archive for those posts as well: How Far Will The Dragon Swim?
7. On line books? We have a growing collection for reading on line or use as a reference: Our authoritative literature section is where we are editing, up dating and posting the entire collection of American Admiralty Bureau Guide and Commentators, references that should prove vital to admiralty lawyers working with expert witnesses. This is an on going project but about four complete volumes are on line now: After you enter the Authoritative literature page simply scroll down to the start of the American Admiralty Bureau Guides and Commentators.
AUTHORITATIVE LITERATURE INCLUDING AAB PUBS. We also have our popular serial posts on the parallels between space exploration and the earlier age of maritime exploration originally published as a serial blog post under the continuing title "SPACE AS AN OCEAN" and now posted as an E-Book in Progress titled PROTOCOLS: Click into our MARITIME LITERATURE page and scroll down until you see the words "E Book In Progress". Then you may continue to scroll down to read as many of the essays as you like. Each one is complete in and of its self so you could red the entire collection painlessly by reading just one a day, about five thought provoking minutes. To view the essays click here: MARITIME LITERATURE, Including PROTOCOLS. We also have in our MERCHANT MARINE INTEREST SECTION the National Mariner's Association book: BLOOD ON BROWN WATER. Just enter the MERCHANT MARINE INTEREST SECTION and scroll down: MERCHANT MARINE INTEREST: "BLOOD ON BROWN WATER"
8. Book Reviews: Are sorted via the special interest pages, just click on any of the special interest pages in the column margin to your right to select a subject area. Book reviews are spread throughout each section along with links to free videos on the pertinent subject, links to specialized web sites on the subject etc. Each book review will have a link to a vendor where you can obtain additional information or purchase the book. If you are interested in a library loan look for the International Book Binding Number (ISBN) either in our review or at the vendor's site. The ISBN number is a big aid when your librarian has to arrange an inter library loan.
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