Mexico Imposes Military Control Over Major Seaport BY ADRIANA GOMEZ LICON, ASSOCIATED PRESS : NOVEMBER 4, 2013 : Updated: November 4, 2013 6:52pm

Link To Full Story:
In the story linked above we learn that the Mexican federal government once again had to rely on the Mexican Navy to police a federal port that appears to have been totally corrupted by the drug cartels. Mexican military personnel had to take over for the 13 policemen who normally policed the port as they undergo drug screening, background checks and police training. Navy officers have taken over the port administrative positions from the prior civil servants. This is just the latest example of Mexico's growing dependence on its navy/Marine Corps team for law enforcement services with integrity. It has proven easier to keep naval personnel beyond the reach of the cartels than army or police personnel. IN addition to the above we suggest also reading:
Navy has become Mexico’s most important crime-fighting force:
It appears that the main line of defense saving Mexico form being a failed state is its navy, a most unusual role for a navy but one that is making sense for Mexico.Click on the link above for the full story.
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