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Stratfor Military Analyst Sim Tack explains a series of satellite images that show the construction of a Russian air base in Syria. Stratfor is a highly respected private intelligence service whose analysis is trusted by governments, intelligence services, and global corporations world wide. The Russians back Bashar al-Assad the President of Syria against all comers including ISIS, but are not in the Middle East to back U.S. efforts , The U.S. having backed Assad's enemies in the "Arab Spring" that has degenerated into the "ISIS war against the world" , Russia is not about to respond to U.S. leadership and will probably take a dim view of U.S. air attacks on ISIS or anyone else within Syria's territory, common enemy notwithstanding. It all boils down to adult leadership, something sorely lacking in the present U.S. administration. To watch the video analysis click on the link below. We thank STRATFOR for releasing this information for replay by other Internet participants.
"Satellite Image Analysis of Russia's Military Buildup in Syria is republished with permission of Stratfor
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