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Welcome to our section on paddle and oar sports. Here you will find information about publications on canoeing, kayaking, rowing and the vessels and equipment that go with these sports. Also within this section you will find publications that deal with the use of oar propelled and paddle propelled vessels in history from ancient galleys to the Twentieth Century exploits of the U.S. Coast Guard in their Monomoy Pulling Boats. There isn't a lot here at the moment. Like the rest of the site this section is under construction. Check back with us often as content is added almost daily. If you would like to join an internet community of paddle enthusiasts We suggest: FLAT WATER PADDLING which is linked below:
What's Wrong With This Image? What's Right with this Image
The Image on your left is how most paddle boarders do the sport today, swim wear and paddle. The image on your right is from a stand up paddle board rental company. They equip you in compliance with the actual regulations so as avoid liability and also to keep you from having your recreation cut short by the long arm of the law.
It has recently been determined that all lengths of paddle boards meet both federal and state criteria as "regulated vessels" in the same manner as canoes or kayaks. In a nut shell this means that when paddle boarding you need a personal flotation device(PFD), a whistle, and at night a "flare up light". These need not be bulky items. The PFD must be Coast Guard approved but may be of the sport, suspender or even fanny pack inflatable device types. The whistle can be small and worn on a lanyard around the neck, and the light is only required at night and can be any type of flash light than can be displayed "in time to give warning of collision". in short every thing could easily fit in a fanny pack or in the pockets of a set of surfer "baggies".But you must have these items on you if stopped by the Coast Guard or state marine police units. At a minimum, you'll be sent back to the beach or launch site if you don't have them on you. Below are some samples of the typical equipment. The icons are links to the items at Amazon, once there there are many more items of the same sort available on amazon. There is no obligation to buy if you want to click in for the purpose of window shopping. If you haven't bought a board yet, talk with your dealer about a safety package. Given the nature of the sport it looks to us like among the most important items are simply swim wear or wet suits with roomy pockets.
Above we previously pictured three examples of cargo pocket swim wear that could handle the equipment requirements of paddle boarding (Then Amazon stopped doing business in our state of incorporation due to the Democratic Governor's attempts to tax the Internet) ., one example of whistle, and one example of a waterproof flashlight. Below are there used to be some pre Democratic state rule examples of suitable PFDs. Our research indicates that a quality safety package can be obtained including swim wear for under $150, possibly double that if you want an all season wet suit. The videos we link to in our paddle sport page mostly depict paddle boarders without any sort of PFD, as was the custom early in the sport. But as long as you use the paddle you are operating what is legally considered a "vessel" subject to the same rules as a canoe. Adding a $150 safety package to the typical $1,000+ cost of a paddle board can not only save your life but is cheap recreational trip insurance assuring that you won't get jerked out of the water mid holiday by the long arm of the law.
We are no longer an Amazon Portal due to Amazon ceasing to to do business with Louisiana based portals due the recent passage of a law taxing internet sales. Though we receive no commission we link you to Amazons Paddle Board equipment selection so that you can view the type of equipment the new regulations require or which may prove helpful in carrying such on what is basically a surf board. Remember if you are a Louisiana resident, or resident of any state that taxes Internet sales, you are supposed to report such purchases on your state income tax forms annually and remit the sales tax appropriate to your state. Welcome to the galloping nanny state. THE STAND UP PADDLE BOARD SHOP
AMAZON also has a complete Paddle Gear clothing shop that includes cloth outer wear and neoprene gear specially designed for board water sports. PADDLE WEAR SHOP
As always we recommend to all water sports enthusiasts periodic visits to the Guru of Water Safety Mario Vittone. Have fun out there let Mario show you how to come back alive.
Mario Vittone's "BE SAFE" blog at:
9905 Peacock Hill Ave, Gig Harbor, WA 98332
This is not a paid advertisement, we really like their line of boats
Some Paddle sports they haven't written the book on yet.....
When the ancient Hawaiians invented surfing their boards didn't look like the razor thin composite boards of today. They were made of pretty solid wood thick enough to provide flotation for a grown man. We suspect that these "boards" were used for more than surfing for fun, but probably also functioned a bit like a small canoe for fishing and traveling quieter back waters and lagoons.
We first saw the modern "stand up paddle board" at work in the inner harbor of Annapolis. People seemed to enjoy themselves standing up and paddling around the calm but scenic waters. It looked pleasant but the boards seemed priced a bit high to be used as a "poor man's canoe" an done you couldn't really sit on without getting wet. Then we saw this first video that we hyperlink to you below. Stay with the girls as they leave the beach in calm water, and then watch what these boards can do in a low, choppy white capped sheltered water sea, that most surfers with typical boards would probably find "unsurfable".
When you finish with a video just hit the back arrow on the YouTube controls and you'll be right back here ready to start the next video in the series which is sort of our mini course in the stand up paddle (SUP) board sport scene.
BodyGlove's Stand Up Paddlers
Click on the hyper link below:
BIC also make stand up Paddle boards. The hyperlink below takes you to a video that explains the various types of boards and how to chose the type that is best for you
Hobbie apparently makes stand up paddle boards as well. Of course no one should should get into any water sport without some instruction. For a feel for the instruction level, balance, and physical skill needed for this sport click on the hyper link below for a basic training video. But as usual we caution that viewing a "training video" is not adequate preparation for a water sport. Get on the water instruction, your board vendor can help you find that.
So Can you really surf on one of these stand up paddle boards. You bet! watch This:
NO surf? Have a friend with a boat make your own-Watch Wake surfing with a stand up paddle board.
We have to admit that when we first saw stand up paddle boards being used for touring in the Annapolis inner harbor we thought the sport a bit lame. Not any more! Take a look at this. stand up paddle boarding can be an extreme water sport!
These things are so stable that you can do your yoga ans piletes on then, no kidding watch this:
Now just in case you actually want to specialize in Stand Up Paddle (SUP) Board Yoga they actually make a brand with a soft padded topside. Watch this:
Now you've seen that these things don't weigh much, but if you insist on driving that Mini Cooper or Smart Car and fear that these boards are just too long for car topping on such a pregnant roller skate of a car, believe it or not they even have inflatable models. We have no idea how they can get an inflatable to be board rigid, but seeing is believing, though we don't endorse any products and urge you to check out anything before purchase. Watch this:
We knew it! You can fish from these things as well watch this!
And if fishing is the only thing you want to do from an SUP take a look at a special board.
Finally, remember these boards keep you closer to the water's surface than even a kayak. Sometimes that may not be good news watch this!
Even In A canoe you can always use a navigation chart but the full size doesn't work well in a kayak or canoe. These are free, you just down load them and they are letter sized.
This is a link to an Amazon shop , but we are not an Amazon portal. Louisiana residents and residents of other states that tax Internet purchases you are reminded that you are responsible for remittance of state sales tax on Internet purchases. Generally this is done at state income tax time via a blank on your state income tax form.
When the ancient Hawaiians invented surfing their boards didn't look like the razor thin composite boards of today. They were made of pretty solid wood thick enough to provide flotation for a grown man. We suspect that these "boards" were used for more than surfing for fun, but probably also functioned a bit like a small canoe for fishing and traveling quieter back waters and lagoons.
We first saw the modern "stand up paddle board" at work in the inner harbor of Annapolis. People seemed to enjoy themselves standing up and paddling around the calm but scenic waters. It looked pleasant but the boards seemed priced a bit high to be used as a "poor man's canoe" an done you couldn't really sit on without getting wet. Then we saw this first video that we hyperlink to you below. Stay with the girls as they leave the beach in calm water, and then watch what these boards can do in a low, choppy white capped sheltered water sea, that most surfers with typical boards would probably find "unsurfable".
When you finish with a video just hit the back arrow on the YouTube controls and you'll be right back here ready to start the next video in the series which is sort of our mini course in the stand up paddle (SUP) board sport scene.
BodyGlove's Stand Up Paddlers
Click on the hyper link below:
BIC also make stand up Paddle boards. The hyperlink below takes you to a video that explains the various types of boards and how to chose the type that is best for you
Hobbie apparently makes stand up paddle boards as well. Of course no one should should get into any water sport without some instruction. For a feel for the instruction level, balance, and physical skill needed for this sport click on the hyper link below for a basic training video. But as usual we caution that viewing a "training video" is not adequate preparation for a water sport. Get on the water instruction, your board vendor can help you find that.
So Can you really surf on one of these stand up paddle boards. You bet! watch This:
NO surf? Have a friend with a boat make your own-Watch Wake surfing with a stand up paddle board.
We have to admit that when we first saw stand up paddle boards being used for touring in the Annapolis inner harbor we thought the sport a bit lame. Not any more! Take a look at this. stand up paddle boarding can be an extreme water sport!
These things are so stable that you can do your yoga ans piletes on then, no kidding watch this:
Now just in case you actually want to specialize in Stand Up Paddle (SUP) Board Yoga they actually make a brand with a soft padded topside. Watch this:
Now you've seen that these things don't weigh much, but if you insist on driving that Mini Cooper or Smart Car and fear that these boards are just too long for car topping on such a pregnant roller skate of a car, believe it or not they even have inflatable models. We have no idea how they can get an inflatable to be board rigid, but seeing is believing, though we don't endorse any products and urge you to check out anything before purchase. Watch this:
We knew it! You can fish from these things as well watch this!
And if fishing is the only thing you want to do from an SUP take a look at a special board.
Finally, remember these boards keep you closer to the water's surface than even a kayak. Sometimes that may not be good news watch this!
Even In A canoe you can always use a navigation chart but the full size doesn't work well in a kayak or canoe. These are free, you just down load them and they are letter sized.
NOAA announces free nautical 'BookletCharts' for boaters
January 28, 2013
One of NOAA's handiest navigation products, especially for recreational boaters, has been Coast Survey's experimental BookletCharts™ -- nautical charts that are easy to download and print from home computers. Coast Survey has now moved the BookletCharts from experimental stage into official production. Nearly a thousand newly updated BookletCharts are available free on the Web.
NOAA's new official BookletCharts cover the 95,000 miles of U.S. coastline and the Great Lakes. The BookletCharts contain most of the information found on NOAA's full-scale nautical charts, but it is presented as reduced-scale.
"It is especially appropriate that we unveil these easy-to-use nautical charts as recreational boaters begin to think about their boating adventures for 2013," said Capt. Jon Swallow, chief of NOAA Coast Survey's Navigation Services Branch. "NOAA's nautical charts help to protect lives and property, and boaters should take advantage of these free nautical products."
"Many boaters don't use nautical charts, trusting local knowledge or their memories. But that can be dangerous, as seafloors constantly shift, shorelines erode, and dangers to navigation are discovered," Swallow said. "BookletCharts will tell a boater about these developments, and will help ensure a safe voyage, whether it is around the bay or down the coast."
Since the Booklet Charts are easy to access from the Web, easy to print, and easy to carry in a pocket, NOAA officials hope that tens of millions of recreational boaters who may not normally use charts will use these.
Several years ago, the Office of Coast Survey introduced experimental BookletCharts as PDFs in an 8½-by-11 inch format, to test public demand and use. The product has been tremendously successfully, receiving kudos by recreational boaters and boating organizations. Coast Survey has subsequently upgraded the chart displays and navigational information for the official product.
While BookletCharts are great for recreational use, they do not fulfill chart carriage requirements for regulated commercial vessels under Titles 33 and 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
NOAA's Office of Coast Survey, originally formed by President Thomas Jefferson in 1807, updates the nation's nautical charts, surveys the coastal seafloor, responds to maritime emergencies and searches for underwater obstructions and wreckage that pose a danger to navigation. Follow Coast Survey on Twitter @nauticalcharts, and check out the NOAA Coast Survey blog at for more in-depth coverage of surveying and charting.
NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us onFacebook, Twitter and our other social media channels.
400 pages available as new, used and Kindle price
range $7+ to $34+
ISBN 10: 1592572391
ISBN 13: 978-1592572397
We always like to start each subject area with the
simplest and most complete introductory text available. You don't have to be a a
"complete idiot" or even just a regular idiot to benefit from this
guide. The publication certainly wasn't sponsored by idiots, it is a
work associated with the publishers of Canoe and Kayak Magazine. It was
written by a consummate expert. This is an excellent way to get started in
paddle sports, but now a word of caution:
The Coast Guard Auxiliary magazine The
Navigator published an article over a decade ago titled "Reaching the
Incidental Boater." The occasion for the article was a spike in
recreational boater deaths after a long period of fatal accident rate decline.
The article traced the increase to "incidental boaters," small craft users who
were not part of the traditional motorboating and sailing communities. The
fatalities were largely among small car top boats, some oar propelled used by
hunters and back water fishermen, canoes, and kayaks, in short paddle and oar
boats with a mix of such boats equipped with small outboard motors. The article
noted how traditional Coast Guard Auxiliary "Safe Boating Courses" were reaching
the traditional recreational motor boater and sailors but not the "incidental
boater." The article was a call to action to bring more training to the paddle
and oar boat sports communities and to hunters and fishermen who used very small
craft in pursuit of game and fish, but didn't think of themselves primarily as
recreational boatmen.
Don't become a statistic. Don't assume that you can read a book and go out and safely engage in this sport. The Red Cross and some sporting goods stores offer hands on instruction. Take instruction and get properly equipped before taking to the water. Invest in a really excellent quality sports personal flotation device ("life jacket" or "PFD"), one that allows you freedom of movement and is cool and comfortable to wear even in very hot weather. NEVER TAKE TO THE WATER IN A LOW FREEBOARD PADDLE OR OAR PROPELLED BOAT WITHOUT WEARING YOUR PFD! The only PFD that will ever save your life is the one you are wearing when invited to a come as you are party in the water, especially cold water. Most people are sitting to paddle or row, people don't usually fall overboard in such craft while the craft is up right. The usual way by which canoe and kayak inhabitants become neighbors with the fish is a sudden capsize. This is an instant "come as you are" invitation to swim with the fish. NEWS FLASH PEOPLE: Canoes and kayaks ain't the TITANIC, they don't go down slowly, there is no time to "don life jackets," you either have it on at all times or you go in the drink without it, period. So don't skimp on your PFD! Get one that you will wear, if you have to, get more than one appropriate to the seasons.
Speaking of seasons, remember that some of the most enjoyable time to be underway in a canoe or kayak is in the spring and fall when water temperatures are dangerously cold in most parts of the country. Hypothermia sets in rapidly in cool water, virtually any water temperature under 75 degrees F. Human body temperature doesn't have to fall very far before hypothermia sets in, so water of even 65 degrees F can induce hypothermia very rapidly. One of the things you can get out of a book is advice on proper sports clothing. Before you buy that canoe or kayak, buy a book, read it, buy lessons, buy your carefully selected PFD, and proper clothing, then read up some more and buy a boat. Consider a wet suit for some seasons. Don't be alarmed if your lessons, books and clothing investment approaches or even exceeds the cost of your boat. When you sit in that low freeboard paddle boat you want to be dressed for success in the water.
Finally remember that while paddle and oar boats are simple, they are still boats and while out on the water are subject to the rules to avoid collision. You do not always have the right of way over motor boats, and especially never have the right of way over large commercial vessels confined to a narrow channel. So a basic boating safety course is in order for the paddle boatman just as it is for every other type of recreational boat user who enters the common waterways. If you ar egoing to out past sundown you are required to carry a "Flare up" light, meaning a good quality flash light or lantern that you display when you detect another vessel in your vicinity. Avoid flashing your "flare up light" into the pilothouse or steering station of nearby vessels, but make your position obvious. Trained motor boat operators will know that such "flare ups" are associated with paddle and oar propelled craft and that your maneuverability and speed are limited.
CANOEING: The Essential Skills and Safety
(one of the "Essential Guides" series by Heliconia Press) by Andrew Westwood
ISBN: 10: 1565236343
ISBN: 13: 978-1565236349
This is, as the name implies, an "essential guide" to
nearly all of the skills involved in the entire range of canoe sports from
afternoon calm water paddles on local slow moving streams and small lakes to
expedition and white water adventures. This is a very recent book being
published in June of 2011 so it should be up top date. Once again we wish
to convey our warning that canoeing or any other paddle or oar sport cannot be
learned completely or safely if you rely solely on reading a book. Contact the
American Red Cross, The American Canoeing Association, or your local canoe
retailer for providers of hands on lessons in your area.
This is an Amazon link, we are no longer an Amazon Portal, Louisiana residents and others from states which tax Internet sales are responsible for reporting all purchases annually on their state income tax forms and remitting the sales taxes due.
THE BOOK OF ROWING: by D.C. Churbuck
THE BOOK OF ROWING: by D.C. Churbuck
320 pages, ISBN 10: 159020011X, ISBN 978-1590200117
Aycup ® markamız ile önceliğimiz kurumsal firmaların ihtiyacı olan kullan- at ürünleri, karton bardak, kağıt bardak, tahta karıştırıcı ve ofis sarf malzemeleri tedariğini yapmaktayız.
ReplyDelete2012 yılında kendi müşteri portföyüne kısa bir zamanda sahip olan Aycup ® yaptığı yatırımlarla markasını karton bardak piyasasına kabul ettirmiş, karton bardak denilince akla gelen lider markası olmuştur.
Kalitesi ile her geçen gün dikkat çeken karton bardak firması Aycup ® karton bardak, kağıt bardak, tahta karıştırıcı, plastik karıştırıcı ürünlerini cazip fiyatlar ile satışını yapmakta, halen sektörün lokomotifi halindedir.