World Court Rules Japan's Whaling Not For Scientific Ends, Revokes Permits
Updated 12/16/2015
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Photo by: Whit Welles Wwelles14, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported |
Editor's note 12/16/2015: Japan is out whaling as we write this taking a few hundred of a more unregulated species "for scientific purposes, though they free admit most of the catch gets eaten. We love Japan, but they have got to stop eating whale.
"(Reuters) - Japan's whaling program in seas near Antarctica is not for scientific purposes, judges at the U.N.'s highest court ruled on Monday, agreeing with Australia that Tokyo should revoke permits to catch and kill whales for research purposes." Story from Reuters
EDITORIAL NOTE: This World court ruling didn't come about as a result of Green Peace ramming Whalers and other wise running about the World's seas endangering sailors lives and the environment through the reckless and negligent operation of vessels. The sovereign nation of Australia brought suite against Japan and sustained their case in open court using solid factual and legal research and argumentative skills. Green Peace spent years running about the ocean playing bumper boats. We congratulate the nation of Australia for standing up and funding the effort, and particularly the astute lawyers and law clerks who researched, prepared, and presented the case. To the youth of the world who want to make it greener we say; stay away from organizations like Green Peace and Sea Shepard so that you don't wind up getting involved in activities that kill people and send ships laden with fuel, lubricants, and other harmful substances to the bottom of sea. If you want to be effective in the preservation of the planet go to law school, take a paralegal program and seek out environmental defense work. The best friend and true guardian angel of that whale depicted above was a group of lawyers and their assistants.
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