Friday, April 28, 2017


What Ever Happened To The Hole In The Ozone Layer?



 Many of you American millennials have been worried about climate change and seemingly related problems like the "Hole in the Ozone layer" your entire life. Many of you have marched and carried placards and waived good bye to jobs you might have needed in the name of protecting the climate. Of course the jobs simply left the United States for places like China , India, and Brazil who claimed them as part of their "Carbon Credits" (right to run dirty industries while developed nations were forced to clean up) and the global pollution seems little changed while so many of you American millennials are reaching 30 and living in your parents homes. 

  In 1984 Scientists discovered "a hole in the Ozone Layer". You don't hear much about this anymore.
The reason you don't hear much about it any more is that the hole "healed it self". The narrator in the linked video credits this to regulations put in place about 1984 restricting the use of certain refrigerants. He does admit that volcanic activity can have a dramatic effect on the "Ozone layer" and doesn't mention the several dramatic volcanic eruptions that occurred in the relevant time frame of the hole's discovery ,or the relative lack of such eruptions over the last decade. Nor does he mention the fact that it was only about the late 1970s before we had the capability to discover a hole in the Ozone layer. For all we know such holes may have always come and gone with periods of active volcanic activity. But at any rate its gone now, really gone, you can stop worrying about it. I wonder if you've also noticed that the official politically correct "global warming" has pretty much changed to "Climate change". That's basically because the globe stopped warming several years ago, and about two years ago the Atlantic Ocean's surface temperature took a measurable decrease. Not to worry, it does that every ten years or so, it's simply a temperature inversion, colder water from the deep changing places with warmer surface water. It seems to be a built in mechanism of nature that keeps the ocean temperatures equitable, and moves nutrients for the shrimp sized creatures that you and I think of as "Seafood"  to eat. Very handy and completely natural, with no artificial colors, no added hormones, and gluten free.

 Really the big bad "Hole in the Ozone" is gone, no more need for protest and street theater. The millennial narrator of the video I link you to below may be starting to mature out of the snowflake category, but it's slow process. He does admit that there may be some natural processes at work but basically credits your protests and international regulations for the "victory" over the Hole. Now while the overall use of the particular refrigerant during the decade of the Hole's demise did decline due to being virtually banned, people still ran older refrigerators and air conditioners, some of our "carbon credit entitled" members of the family of nations paid no attention to the "international accords". But I decided to let you hear the news from a millennial mouth complete with the usual social gospel drivel, because I really want you to know that the Hole is gone. At last something you can stop worrying about, and no longer need a safe space to avoid. You can of course, follow Al Gore into the now renamed "Climate change" safe space. I have no idea what we can do to reduce your fear about that one. You see snowflakes, climates change, that's what they do and the most dramatic changes in the physical history of the planet happened with out any biped participation. I know your Marxist college professors insist that "climate change" is man caused and galloping along. Your Marxist Profs are possessed of "invincible ignorance", so there is no sense arguing with them, and they raised you so , in the words of Rush Limbar ,"ditto",  When you are finally weaned off of Marxist installed invincible ignorance, maybe we can have a discussion of meteorological 5, 10, 20, and even 100 year average weather cycles vice "climate change". Meanwhile, politically correct or not' "ding dong the Hole is Dead!" Click here for video:

Your pal.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


NTSB Assesses U.S. Coast Guard’s Vessel Traffic Service System



File:Refugees crossing the Mediterranean sea on a boat, heading from Turkish coast to the northeastern Greek island of Lesbos, 29 January 2016.jpg

When does a rescue mission turn into a ferry service? KATIE HOPKINS reveals how the well-meaning groups trying to stop migrants from drowning may be risking the very lives they are trying to save

Read more:
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Former Obama Official: Bureaucrats Manipulate Climate

Image Credit: Public Domain

"A former member of the Obama administration claims Washington, D.C., often uses “misleading” news releases about climate data to influence public opinion.
Former Energy Department Undersecretary Steven Koonin told The Wall Street Journal Monday that bureaucrats within former President Barack Obama’s administration spun scientific data to manipulate public opinion." Quoted from THE DAILY SIGNAL 

Read the entire article at:

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Helios Ruehls, Inc. Presents: 


Greetings bipeds! 
 The world tomorrow will be dominated by the INTERNET OF THINGS a disruptive set of technologies that some think of as the Internet's second wave. This development could be summarized as things communicating and interacting with things. The "driver less car" is an example of this "internet of things", the car communicates with the road, GPS systems, and other cars. Your home will be monitoring your plumbing, climate control systems, phones, computers, home entertainment , and lighting , and security systems. At the heart of this development are a number of inventions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the last of the transformational technologies to be perfected, other enabling technologies are already up and running. Among these are NEMS (Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems), MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems), think of these as micro robotics. Robotics of course will also be a part of this "Second industrial revolution".  Goms (Graphene -Oxide Membranes ) are probably the first single cell thick human invention.  Right along with this evolving Internet of Things we see an emerging evolution towards non reductive manufacturing. 

 3-D Printing is the first example that comes to mind in terms of non reductive manufacturing.  Manufacturing in most instances today is a reductive process. Over simplifying a bit, we start with a pile of sheet metal, rods, beams, etc. and we cut away, file, buff to shape component parts then assemble the parts into a whole, be it a car or washing machine, camera, or kitchen utensil. When we are done a common element in nearly all traditional manufacturing processes is the slag heap, the pile of material that was cut, sanded, filed, away to shape the object of the manufacturing process. In 3-D printing the slag heap disappears. Plans and powdered materials are loaded into a computer program which guides an ink jet like process in 3 dimensions and shapes the desired object with no waste of materials. Not everything presently lends itself to this process but more and more objects of different sorts including large objects like small boats and objects with moving parts like simple guns have been 3-D printed. The 3-D printers are starting to find their way into plants which still use reductive processes. In these plants the 3 -D printer is being used for components within larger more complex manufactured objects like automobiles , that lend themselves to the 3-D printing processes available today. Every year the 3-D technology improves. In the labs however, even before the 3-D technology is perfected, scientists have their eyes focused on the next wave, molecular construction.

The Hohlraum 
 The humble and bowl like hohlraum has been around since at least the first atomic bombs as part of the detonation assembly. Recent lab experiments suggest other uses for this device specifically,...wait for it....creating matter out of light!. There is little that your 3,000 year old Catfish reporter is ever astounded by, but that got my attention. Somewhere in the parallel evolution of 3-D printing technology and molecular level manufacturing technology is waiting the "Replicator" of Star Trek fame. Helios Ruehls has among its future projects being explored an improved molecular tweezers. Note that's an improved molecular tweezers, the first such are already in use. Goms (Graphene-Oxide Membranes) are the first man made objects that are exactly one atom thick. The potential applications for these super thin membranes  seem almost limitless in applications from desalinization to medicine. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 
 Artificial Intelligence (AI) will link all of these technologies into coherent and complex applications. One of the first such technologies starting to emerge are the "COBOTS" or collaborative robots. These robotic applications are designed to work in close collaboration with human workers and learn from them. Such robots must have great sensory capability and delicate agility. In automotive manufacture today much of the robotics have to be sort of fenced off or other wise guarded for worker safety. Thanks to the capabilities imparted by the latest MEMS and NEMS applications robotic sensor capabilities including robotic vision are improving to the point that we can report that some "Cobots" are already in industrial settings. 
The next "industrial revolution" of the Internet of things, non reductive manufacture, high speed and "pulsed"/ "dense" communications and data transmission /exchange is already emerging (more on pulsed and dense communications / data transmission in a later report). The base enabling technologies most notably include : NEMS, MEMS, HOLARUMS, and GOMS. The early applications now moving into the economy are probably most visibly represented by vastly improved "smart phones", "smart house" systems, and "Cobots". 

So as your savvy catfish mentor I know what you are thinking right about now...."hey Namazu, how do I make an investment buck off this emerging second industrial revolution?" Well Bunkie, I wasn't worshiped as a demigod in Japan for thousands of years because I was stupid. I can give you some advice. Now that you know about the basic technologies driving the revolution the secret is to discover the emerging leaders, buy stock in them, hold it through a cycle I'll describe for you; then sell at a profit, one that doesn't represent speculation but a big increase to you and actual value to those you sell to. Nothing like having money that you won in a process that lets you sleep with a clear conscience.  So let's look at the opportunities and hazards of the technology acceptance curve

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the technology that links NEMS, MEMS, HOLARUMS, and GOMS.  AI "is the "new electricity" and will affect every industry. Combined with NEMS , MEMS, Holarums, and GOMS it is the key enabling mechanism of the emerging transformational technologies. Transformational technologies have a tendency to literally wipe out entire industries and replace them with new processes and devices totally changing the job market in the process. As a new set of transformational technologies emerge they rarely enter the market place all together, though eventually they will fit together into a virtual revolution in technology. Innovators lead the introduction and eventual acceptance or rejection of transformational technologies, remember some potentially disruptive technologies are prematurely introduced, or superseded by more advanced technologies before reaching serious market acceptance.  We seriously doubt that the AI linked technologies, at least in terms of their components such as NEMS, MEMS, GOMS, etc. are going to flame out, but some of their early applications , some robotic inter-communicating products, will not survive the technology acceptance curve. This is why we always suggest checking the business fundamentals when investing in high tech stocks. No amount of innovation or exotic technology will save a poorly run company from eventually going under. Investment requires homework. Early adopters differ from the Innovators and must appear in the market if a new technology is to have a chance. Early adopters adopt an emerging technology to apply to a specific  opportunity that they understand. Early majority adopters are even more pragmatic than the Early adopters and dislike the risks associated with innovation, but don't want to lag behind technologically within their respective fields of endeavor. The key to successful investment in disruptive technologies is to spot the entrance into the field of the EARLY MAJORITY ADOPTERS.

If you can find a manufacturer, designer, or distributor of components in a disruptive technology that is just entering the Early Majority Adopters stage and it has good business fundamentals it is hard to go wrong. Many future disruptive technology leaders first appear on the market as closely and privately held corporations, years before their initial public offering (IPO) of common stock. It takes more than a knowledge of the components of an emerging and disruptive technology to pick a winner from the selection of IPOs that hit the market in any given month. You have to be up on the groupings of technologies, the early players, and their corporate fundamentals.

 Once you make a winning pick, these companies go through a stock value cycle as well. Usually there is a round of explosive growth, there are daily ups and downs but the long term is extreme growth. These often start as "penny stocks" and over a period of years grow to "blue chip status". Generally "blue chips" sell anywhere in excess of $100 per share to thousands per share and steadily return dividends to investors. The problem with buying "blue chips" after they become "blue chips" is that they cost a lot per share and those prices remain fairly steady. "Blue Chips" can be a great investment for storing money, may often beat inflation via their dividends, but no one makes a fortune investing in "Blue Chips". Spotting the emerging disruptive technologies that may have a 20 year run before being threatened by a new emerging disruptive technology requires study, patience, and a bit of luck, but these are the equities that can make an investor rich. We can't tell you yet with any certainty who the big winners will be in the AI linked new technologies that will soon constitute a "second industrial revolution". We may have some early suggestions for you soon as we continue to monitor this development. These won't be "sure bets", just well researched suggestions. Watch for future Helios Ruehls, Inc Science reports here on the American Admiralty Books Blog.


Monday, April 17, 2017


This is Commander Salamander, a personal friend of the Great Catfish Namazu and one of the greatest and most insightful of amphibian naval analyst. If you would like to learn more about him and his blog the Great Namazu wrote a brief biography and provides a link to his blog at :


Today we bring you a link on the Commander's view of all of the recent naval activity by the Bear (Russia to you bipeds) in the Mediterranean Sea, especially around Syria. He specifically takes issue with some recent pronouncements by present day brass comparing the activity with previous activity by the Soviet Navy during the Cold War. As always Commander Salamander's analysis is fact based and void of over statement, but not void of humor, and ironic insight. If you are a fan of the Great Catfish 

 You should read this latest analysis by Commander Salamander and visit his blog daily Commander Salamander Blog

URL link to Commander Salamander's analysis of the Russian navy in the Med.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017



Grettings Bipeds!
 In our first science report for Helios Ruehls, Inc. we told you about GOMs (Graphene-Oxide Membranes), a little of what they are capable of and how they may affect our own seemingly never ending search for research grant money for the Fractal Lens. One thing we've learned here at Helios Ruehls is that the progress of science is relentless, but irregular and profoundly affected by politics and economics. Another thing that we have learned is that nearly every scientific investigation that we make begins with an examination of the "state of the art". The examination of the "state of the art" usually leads to discoveries concerning the state of the industry, its establishment companies, rising stars, and transformational developments. As a corporation we can't lead the charge in every field of high tech endeavor, but we've learned that we can invest in any of them.  We're going to pass on to you some information about GOMs that we didn't pass in Report No.1. Some readers might act on this information as if it were investment information. Before you do that remember what you paid for this information (nothing) and realize that it may be worth what you paid for it. Before investing in anything the prudent investor always researches the fundamentals of any company targeted for investment. What we pass on here doesn't touch on such fundamentals such as the annual revenues, level of capitalization, corporate debt, or management's credentials. Consider this, if you consider it at all as investment information, as merely a primer on GOMS.

 Graphene is seen as a transformational material, a veritable "wonder material". Speaking like our lab guys , Graphene is one of the simplest of allotropes of carbon. So it not supernatural and has been around for a while, but as scientists have been examining it of late it appears to exhibit properties and apparent capabilities that are truly amazing. The stuff is pretty thin, in fact only one atom thick, its like a two dimensional substance and has a mass as close to zero as we have ever seen so far. Yet, and here it comes for our own physicists lab guys, it has an electrical conductivity six orders of magnitude higher than copper, is flexible, and impermeable to gas even after flexing. Its potential usages are mind boggling. Yet, there doesn't appear yet to be an obviously visible mass market application, at least not until the University of Manchester announced that they had demonstrated that graphene-oxide membranes could convert salt water into potable water. We, (the Helios Ruehl's wizards and your humble catfish) immediately observed the potential use for such membranes (called "GOMs") in desalinization, particularly, and most probably soonest in small scale operations such as smaller marine vessel "water making".

 In this report we'll look at graphene's potential in industry and its probable place in competition with other technologies known and emerging. In our last report we viewed it relative to the desalinization and maritime "water making" industries. We examined it as a potential competitor with our own struggling fractal lens technological development and as a competitor for research grant funding in the desalinization field.

  The discovery of graphene and indeed graphene -oxide membranes is amazingly simple. If only fractal lenses could be produced with such simplicity.  Basically it happened like this. University of Manchester professors Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov managed to peel flakes of carbon just a single atom in thickness from graphite in 2004. Their method was decidedly low tech, they peeled up pencil scratchings with scotch tape. The discovery of the potential industrial importance of such thin layers of graphite became apparent a few years later when they proved that these thin layers could conduct electricity with diligence and fervor, winning the two scientists the 2010 Nobel Prize for Physics.

About six months later the two researchers experienced our wildest dream at Helios Ruehls, the perverbial researcdh cash avalanche . It started when the EU invested about a billion Euros in graphene research, followed by MIT opening a center for Graphene research. The cash and the fun have just kept rolling in, Geim and Novoselov were even knighted by Queen Elizabeth , one of your Catfish Reporter's favorite people. Today Graphene, the Graphene -Oxide Membrane (GOM) and the carbon nanotube ( more or less a graphene roll) are hot topics of physics research and go to the head of the line for research bucks. The head of the line is a place that we at Helios Ruehls have yet to occupy, but we never stop trying.

 One of our basic hopes for future fractal lens applications is also our earliest foray into the realm of the fractal lens, energy production. We think the chief benefit of our still developing "product" is its ability to maximize solar thermal electrical production , already far more efficient than the photo voltaic process which converts sunlight directly into electricity, and our "product" can be interfaced with existing and high cost electrical generation and distribution systems, basically eliminating traditional fuels or even nuclear generated electrical power. However , while we first learned of GOMS and graphene developments generally in relation to desalinization this stuff's capacity for electrical transmission points to interest in the technology for novel energy solutions.

 Over in one of our favorite states, Texas, at Rice University (aka Sam Houston Institute of Technology, try not to think about the initials) researchers came up with a graphene-doped cathode that can be used to produce dye -sensitized solar cells.  The photo-voltaic solar cell industry so loved by the leftist , tree hugging grant administrators of the DOE under the Obama administration have been seeking such a cell for 20 years. All of their prototypes to date have never reached the efficiency of the silicon-based cells, which we have argued for years are basically too inefficient to ever produce power on a municipal electrical grid scale. These cheap semi transparent, more efficient dye sensitized cells can be fabricated anywhere and probably can work indoors and in other diffused sunlight  areas, some predict in ambient light levels bordering on semi darkness.  Well your reporting Catfish in't so sure of that rosy of a future for these super slick electrical conductors, but clearly they are going to have a big appeal on the research grant circuits that provide R&D funding for alternative power generation.

  Graphene appears to have a potential for use in lithium batteries for your smart phone and other devices. Supposedly, at least according to some R& D grant applications graphene has a potential to increase the overall energy density of such batteries. The  lithium-sulfur battery has a greater capacity than a lithium -ion battery. But the ion model is common today because the sulfur model has a much shorter life cycle because sulfur is very soluble. .Researchers are currently experimenting with ways to use graphene  to inhibit the solubility of sulfur specifically in order to improve the performance of the sulfur based batteries at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

 Despite all of that well funded research the battery industry is well aware that lithium is not the ideal battery material. Secondary sources report that some researchers are working with aluminum anodes and graphene foam electrodes to make batteries. So far, if we believe sources, perhaps two levels above rumor mill status the resulting batteries so far have been an improvement in electrical output or extended battery service life but were flexible and considered quite safe. According to secondary sources, lab guys said they could drill a hole in these batteries with no dangerous effect. By contrast it only takes a short puncture to explode a standard cell phone battery. Here at Helios Ruehls we know the market for "ruggedized gear", especially the military market. I guess we'll have to welcome graphene into the R& D grant competition at DARPA and the DOD. And, here we thought our main competition in the defense market were the older, more established DC beltway bandits.

 Does the interest in graphene  based technologies know no bounds? Kia Motors of South Korea with major plants in Alabama applied for a U.S. patent in 2011 for a graphene based fuel cell. It is thought this may be a first step towards an efficient hydrogen burning automotive engine.

 This stuff may eventually even be in your clothing, while your clothing may soon incorporate "wearable technology".   Graphene has tweaked the interest of textile researchers due to its flexibility, tensile strength, and electrical conductivity. The stuff is getting into fabrics.It is reported that researchers at the University of Exeter in Great Britian have already developed a method for coating textile fibers with graphene, creating a transparent and wearable material for future "Wearable technologies". Down under Aussie R& D hounds have created graphene oxide yarns. But conductivity within textiles isn't the only interest in graphene by the textile industry.  It seems that carbon nanotubes are a toughening agent for polymer composites. Think about that in terms of anti ballistic body armor, especially the concealable type.

 Lubricants, this stuff may be a super lubricant!  Graphene  not only exhibits near super-conductivity but also near superlubricity when mixed with other substances. When graphene contacts diamond particles and carbon fiber things get complex and very slippery.  Graphene literally rolls around diamond particles to form microscopic ball bearing like structures that in groups are called nanoscrolls. And if that wasn't enough graphene appears to be useful in non lubricating coatings. Vanderbilt University has created in the lab a graphene -oxide film that causes water to bead and run off, applied to an automotive wind shield, might we see a permanent "Rain -X" type coating? Think of the uses in water repellent clothing which may already have graphene coated fibers to support your wearable IT and Electronic communications devices. Eye wear and construction applications might include self cleaning glass.

 Here at Helios Ruehls we've been seeking out the leaders in nano technology for some months especially up and coming manufacturers of NEMS and MEMS, but it appears there may be a day coming when graphene will be introduced into NEMS AND MEMS technology, perhaps this is an indicator of who the big winners in the NEMS and MEMS races will be, those companies that already show evidence of anticipating the introduction of graphene into their processes. One recent experiment illustrated not only graphene's or graphene -oxide's utility in nano electrical and micro electrical operations but illustrates graphene's apparent capacity as a producer of heat and light, the thing we're after with the fractal lens. Recently secondary sources report that researchers in a so far unnamed laboratory created a "nano sun" with a graphene conductor. When a 2 to 3 volt charge was applied to a layer of graphene the spark rose in temperature to 2,500 degrees celsius or about half the surface temperature of the sun. While it is thought that graphene emits only half of its heat energy in light, the experiment produced visible light. One arleady discussed application might be a micro cutting torch that can perform on a molecular level. Now consider that one application that we envision for micro fractal lens technology is an improved molecular tweezers. The molecular tool box is starting to appear on the visible horizon.

 And the potential uses just keep coming. Graphene appears to be a boon in the realm of data transmission and sensors. For example there are now at least at the lab stage new filters in the terahertz spectrum, expected to play a part in the next generation of wireless communications. Terahertz waves are in the middle of the electromagnetic spectrum in an area previously under utilized in electronic communications. The terahertz wave lengths appear able to carry data thousands of time faster than present day wireless technology. Superstar material graphene has been demonstrated to be a super filter and effective linear polarizer for devices needed to communicate in the terahertz range such as modulators, detectors and metamaterials.

 Not only does graphene filter electromagnetic waves, but it can act as an extremely sensitive bio sensor. The instant any molecule binds with it, the electrical conductivity of the graphene drops. Indeed if anything, right now the stuff is judged as too sensitive for biological sensing, but the HZB Institute for Photovoltaics has been at  work for some time on improving its selectivity so it can be used to detect traces of organic molecules.

 Really, I could go no forever describing the ever expanding potential applications for this seemingly magic material. Out on the far edge there is some discussion in the robotics science community of using graphene/ graphene oxide membranes as a sensitive skin for humanoid style robots, but closer to reality touch sensitivity can immediately improve manufacturing process robots and some one is working on that. At Exeter University in Great Britain lab wonks are already using a new chemical vapor deposition (CVD) machine from the UK graphene company MOORFIELD to create a transparent, flexible touch sensor. This could be the first practical work on sensitive "robot skin".   


 Well first it serves as an example of how "Transformational Technologies" which is what Helios Ruehls is all about differ in impact and quality from each other. Our present leading projects are focused on the fractal lens, industrial sized and projection lantern size. We see in the industrial size applications what could be "transformational" in the realm of electrical production eliminating the use of a lot of dirty forms of fuel. But the industrial sized fractal lens is also transitional in that it would facilitate the change over from dirty fuels while still using the existing electrical generation and transmission grid. In the realm of desalinization solar thermal heat sources such as the fractal lens are starting to look like early transformational and transitional in that they will revolutionize municipal water supply sized desalinization projects while preserving most of the existing technology beyond the heat source. The same is true for for fractal lens applications in mineral refining operations, new energy / heat source  but down stream technology is preserved. Transitional technologies tend to improve older technological processes and may be transformational in that they eliminate at least one component part of an industrial process. We still are suffering from R& D funding hunger on the Fractal lens projects. Since we have not yet produced the testable "lab rat lens" we haven't looked at applications much beyond electrical production, desalinization, and mineral refinement yet. The Fractal lens may yet prove fully transformative in terms of as yet unexplored applications such as heat and particle beam weapons. The applications of the micro fractal lens may be more transformative in terms of applications in artificial and augmented reality. At present using the fractal lens projects as examples we are operating in our corporate infancy on the low end of the transformational technology spectrum. Our most expensive and complex projects are "transitional transformative".
By contrast, graphene development changes things across a host of fields and renders many previous technologies obsolete. The introduction of various fully developed graphene applications will literally close down some older micro electronic industries that fail to adapt. 
The picture of the industrialized world that emerges after the introduction of the fractal lens is cleaner, safer, and more productive but not unrecognizable from the present. The post fully developed graphene technology world of graphene enhanced NEMS, MEMS, etc. is unrecognizable from the present word. The post mature graphene based and enhanced technologies world will seem magical to those raised in the eras of analog and electronic and digital technologies.  Graphene development is truly TRANSFORMATIVE TECHNOLOGY.

 We don't break into anything. We don't swim against the incoming tide.We Surf! As we conduct our own research we learn every day about parallel developments in transformative technologies. Yes these are competitors for R& D grants, but the companies leading the charge into transformative technologies are not our competitors, if anything they are our potential customers for intellectual property that we develop and for contract research services. Remember after the close of Helios Ruehls LLC we decided to avoid manufacturing anything. We do R&D. We do R&D in partnership with our "sweat equity" stock holders in university physics departments. Our "overhead" between funded or contracted projects is lower than the sea floor. Our present rate of capital accumulation is too low to finance speculative projects of any size , so in keeping with the surfing philosophy we reserve part of every investment dollar in investing in the emerging transformational technology leaders. This way we share in their prosperity and stay in touch with what is going on in their labs, which is important to our contract research sales efforts. The bottom line is that as surfers we have an interest in the over all progress and prosperity of the transformational technology wave. We have no reason to keep what we know that might be of intelligence value to other investors secret. In terms of graphene we are watching a number of companies:

Graphene is becoming well known for all of its potential uses.  However, in fact there has yet to be a commercial breakthrough application to hit the market We are tracking the different research endeavors that we can uncover and monitoring the patent office for graphene related products. We expect niche leaders to appear soon. Some may be large established firms, the big profits will be in the newer emerging leaders. There will of course be risk in these new leaders. No matter what type of wiz bang technology a company is working in, no company makes a profit without having good fundamentals like overhead control, and good price margins, and farsighted management. None of the companies discussed below should be considered as investment recommendations. But all rate watching. Graphene is a carbon allotrope, it is basically cheap and available everywhere. There is no geographic advantage related to location that we can observe as yet. If something of a "graphene valley of interactive companies ever surfaces that might change, but for now graphene product developers are all over the map. Early bets may be best relative to early patent holders but as previously mentioned that is no guarantee of success. At the moment Chinese and South Korean companies hold about 43% of the graphene related patents. U.S. companies hoild about 23% of the patents and the rest are spread across the planet with a minor concentration in the the UK. The following companies in the graphene game are in play and some available  on the various stock exchanges: 

Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) — Has a patent application to incorporate graphene into some of its existing MAC products. 

IBM (NYSE: IBM) — Reportedly has invested $3 billion in system involving graphene enhanced carbon nanotubes , is reportedly working on graphene based applications in quantum computing, has good fundamentals and certainly knows its way to the patent office.  

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT): This well known aerospace engineering and military contractor acquired a patent for graphene-based water filters in 2013. The company plans to have a prototype out soon which may prove an improvement over grandulated charcoal for filtering mercury out of water. 

Sandisk (NASDAQ: SNDK): This South Koran manufacturer of flash memory devices owns 36 patents for graphene applications including nanometer graphene RAM

Foxconn Electronics (OTCMKTS: HNHPF) : An I phone manufacturer with 35 graphene applications patents.

Graphene Corporation aka Elcora Resources (TSX V: ERA): A Canadian company making graphene and expanding capacity.

We don't know much about  Biogenic Reagents , but we have read that they are working on producing graphene from a wood feedstock vice coal. The wood version appears to have a 50% higher absorption capability indicating that the Biogenic Reagents process may become the preferred graphene source for filtration applications.

Watch for sales of patents by Roy McAlister president of the American Hydrogen Association, a non profit dedicated to hydrogen fuel cell technology. He is one of the largest patent holders for graphene related designs in America. It is anticipated that most of his patents will further hydrogen fuel cell technology, but sales might indicate that other have found additional uses for some of his patents. There is a company called Garmor for which we have no additional information at the moment. Gamor manufacturers and distributes a high volume graphene oxide. The machine is sold to other companies manufacturing graphene -oxide applications, supposedly the only by product of the process is water.

 That my biped friends is about all that we know about developments in the world of graphene related products. We are still looking for the graphene related stocks that we will put in our investment portfolio. When we know more, so shortly will you. Look for more exclusive Helios Ruehls , Inc science and technology reports here in the pages of  American Admiralty Books in the near future.


Thursday, April 6, 2017



Greetings Bipeds! 
 As some of you may have noted over the past few months the American Admiralty Books Blog has had some pains. First the primary and automatic site advertising program was pulled without explanation. Then the home state of our corporation elected a democrat for governor who immediately set out to tax the Internet. Within days of that election Amazon, for which we were a commissioned portal, eliminated contracts with all portals in our home state. This site once stripped of all revenues was reduced to a volunteer effort by certain interested members of the American Admiralty Information System network. I have continued to write for the site but at a much lower level of effort than previously. Once again since going out of the demigod business I had to seek employment and found such with a company known as Helios Ruehls, Inc. Helios Ruehls, Inc. is a Louisiana based scientific research and development firm that specializes in projects "above the Newtonian / Eculidian Line", projects particularly in optical physics, and the electromagnetic spectrum involving the physics and math associated with "Complexity Theory". My previous publications on such subjects in these pages helped me secure the position. So being once again gainfully employed, I am eating with regularity again and presented with some new opportunities.

 Helios Ruehls, Inc. has asked me as part of my new duties to report via these pages on scientific subjects that the company has an interest in, especially subjects that have a likely application or impact on technologies in the maritime sector. American Admiralty Books seems a perfect venue for such missives having a large maritime orientated audience. In any event this assignment will bring me back into the pages of the American Admiralty Books Blog more often. Writers always like to get paid gigs. Below is my HELIOS RUEHLS SCIENCE REPORT NO.1  on Graphene-oxide membranes (GOMs). "GOMs are going to have a big impact on shipboard fresh water making and desalinization , and something of a temporary impeding effect of the Helios Ruehls Fractal Lens Project at least in terms of grant fund competition. . 


 New research indicates that the substance known as "graphene"can filter common salts from water indicating a probability of applications in desalination technology. Helios Rueh;'s Fractal Lens project offers potential savings in desalinization processes which currently require great amounts of heat, The fractal lens ,once developed, would be a cheap heat producer. By contrast graphene-oxide "membranes" appear to be able to produce fresh water from sea water without the need for heat. There should be room for both technologies in the near term in the desalinization industry. Existing large desalinization plants represent big investments. Fractal lens heat production would not require replacement of the greater part of most existing plants, just substitution of the heat generating element with the fractal lens heat systems which produce enormous BTUs of heat at no cost for fuel. By contrast the findings that graphene -oxide membranes can eliminate salts from water coming out of the University of Manchester labs and recently published in the scientific journal NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY are simply lab test findings and not a developed technology.

  While the Fractal lens is as yet to appear in physical form when it does it will be a "plug and play" technology that enhances existing industrial technologies as a retrofitted device providing unprecedented fuel savings. Graphene-oxide membranes by contrast in the desalinization field require the development of a corresponding technology for application of the theoretical benefit. Assuming that such a technology is eventually developed that can produce fresh water in municipality water supply consumption quantities we see a probable two step evolution in desalinization. Assuming that the Fractal lens emerges in a timely manner from the lab we see existing and planned municipal water supply level plants adopting fractal lens technology, lowering operating costs and prolonging the operating life of the plant. 

 Assuming that graphene -oxide membrane water filtration technology is developed within the next twenty years to a point where it has utility in municipal water supply sized operations it could become the new standard of the industry for plants designed and planned sometime after 2037. In the maritime sector however, graphene-oxide membrane technology could bring "water making" capability to an entire range of working vessels presently thought too small for "water making". Below the 2,000 to 5,000 gross registered ton level in shipping, ships generally have only the fresh water they can carry in their potable water tanks, and when it's gone , it's gone. By contrast many large war ships and passenger cruise vessels have a limited capacity to produce fresh water. It is highly fuel consumptive but can supplement tanked supplies and make a big difference to "on scene endurance" for war ships and usually eliminate emergency port calls for water, or the implementation of highly unpopular with paying passengers, water conservation measures. If graphene -oxide membrane based "water making " technology can spread significant "water making " capability into the work boat fleet  it could be a significant improvement in "on scene endurance" for tugs on stand by duty , and the stand by offshore service vessels in the offshore oil industry among others. It could also be a safety feature for such vessels working in Third World offshore oil fields off the coasts of nations with unreliable maritime potable water supplies. 

 In short the latest news on graphene-oxide technology coming out of the University of Manchester does not alarm us in terms of any immediate competition for the fractal lens in the desalinization market, but it does announce another competitor for research grant funding for funds related to desalinization. We are on a parallel development path with these very different products. What has been recently reported about GOMS is literally a breakthrough. Graphene -oxide membranes developed at the National Graphene Institute have demonstrated their potential for filtering out small nanoparticles, organic molecules, and large salts. However prior to these recent announcements GOMs couldn't be used for sieving out common salts as needed in desalinization technologies. Prior research at Manchester indicated that if immersed in water graphene-oxide membranes tend to become swollen and pass through smaller salts. Now Manchester reports that they have learned how to control the pore size in the membrane so as to sieve out the common smaller salts of salty water and make it safe for human consumption. According to Manchester's Dr. Rahul Raveendran Nair"

 "Realization of scalable membranes with uniform pore size down to atomic scale is a significant step forward and will open new possibilities for improving the efficiency of desalinization technology"

 Desalinization technology seems poised to become a growth industry in that the UN reports that by 2025 14% of the World's population will encounter water scarcity. The graphene-oxide membrane technologies likely to emerge early on will probably be best suited for smaller scale water production being more of a filtering process than 'desalinization" as it has become traditionally understood in recent decades. Early on we think the graphene -oxide membrane technology will have a niche market  in land based desalinization. But we also anticipate that it could have a second early niche market in ship board "water making" especially aboard working vessels previously thought too small to support that capacity. Here in we find the opportunities for Helios Ruehls. We have unique capabilities to assist the graphene-oxide membrane developers in applying this technology to the work boat industry. This could be a unique contract research opportunity at some future point. In addition even if we never sell a research contract related to GOMs we will be tracking the progress of GOMs as a natural function of keeping tabs on the competitors for desalinization related research grants. As industry leaders emerge GOMS may be an interesting investment . In our next installment we will look at the graphene "industry" from an investors view point.

For Helios Ruehls, Inc.
Namazu, Great Catfish

Monday, April 3, 2017



File:Prinzessin Victoria Luise LOC det.4a15439.jpg
Prinzessin Victoria Luise was the first purpose-built cruise ship.
Image: Library of Congress, Caption Link: Wikipedia

 The Spring / Summer Season for ocean cruising is underway. Before you book that cruise here are a few details that you will want to get straight with your booking agent before shelling out your money.  
 Even though a ship may appear to be "home ported" in a US port like Miami, or the ship's operating company may advertise a US address, there are no full sized cruise ships operating under the American Flag. Not being under the American flag means not being operated in compliance with U.S. Coast Guard regulations. American law does not apply on board. If something terrible happens you, or your survivors standing in a US court in any liability proceeding is far from assured. "Flag state" refers to the nation that the ship is registered under. The "flag state" and the national origin of the ship's owners and managers do not have to be even remotely related. 
 Some nations such as Panama, Liberia, and Cypress offer "open registries" meaning that they will register a ship under their flag for a fee with no required connection between their ship registry and the owners, nor any requirement that any of their nationals serve in the crews of the ship's they register. Open registry ships are subject to little more than the minimalists international standards of ship safety and may be crewed by multiple nationalities often generating something of a language problem which could prove dangerous in a fire at sea, or a ship evacuation. By contrast US registered passenger vessels ( now constrained by economic considerations in the over night trades to small coastal cruisers and river vessels) must be built in an American ship yard from plans reviewed and approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. The entire building process through launching and final owner trials is monitored by Coast Guard inspectors. Officers must be American citizens, and crew members majority American citizens. The vessels are inspected annually including the observation of emergency drills by Coast Guard inspectors.
In the ocean cruise market, now abandoned by American ships due to inability to compete with open registry construction and labor costs the closest you can come to the level of safety you would find on an American flag cruise liner is with British cruise lines like the P&O, the next level down would be Common Wealth flag states like the Bahamas. When you go for the open registries you take a real cut in safety but if you must, the Liberian and Panamanian registries at least appear to try and enforce international safety codes and classification society rules, and are generally cooperative with the US Coast Guard. We have extreme reservations about all open registries and do not recommend the Panamanian or Liberian registries per se but rate them the best of the open registries. If the ship is flagged in some nation you never heard of suspect low quality attention to safety. 
 Another option may be the semi open registries. These may carry the names of Western European nations followed by a designation such as "foreign registry". A few Western European nations run semi open registries where ships built in foreign yards but to strict classification society standards such as Lloyd's Classification Society, or American Bureau of Shipping, or Norwegian Veritas are allowed to register under the Board of Trade for the nation offering semi open registry. Under these registries there may be a requirement that a minimum of nationals from the flag state be hired. Inspection standards are relaxed compared to the actual national register, but the flag state takes a definite interest in the safety of operations and these are responsible states with experienced maritime agencies. 

Unless you are traveling with two staterooms of friends and family never book a room with an adjoining door.

 Not only do such doors lack the sound proofing of the bulkheads but if there are thieves aboard they can hear when you are not present and have privacy to work the lock, and usually a simpler lock. The interior bulkheads (walls) of a cruise ship will let sound through but the adjoining stateroom doors hardly block it at all. To avoid getting stuck with an adjoining door stateroom study the deck plan that comes with most cruise brochures. A two sided arrow may indicate such a door, but check the symbol key and discuss this with your booking agent. If you don't want an adjoining door stateroom say so plainly and clearly 


Again, specify that you don't want to be near crew or service doors with your booking agent. Review the ship's plan in the brochure blank spaces or white boxes between staterooms usually indicates some sort of crew access or storage space. On the better lines like the British P&O, considerate crew members can make this concern pointless. But loud door closure noises at odd hours are more common than they should be

 This one is kind of obvious but remember to mention it to your booking agent and look at the ship's plan, look at the decks above and below you tentative stateroom. Under the Buffet is better than under the disco but the sound of moving chairs and feet can be annoying, especially if its open for midnight snacks or at breakfast time if you intended to sleep in.

 This is the worse ride on the ship, the ships rolling, yawing, and pitching motions are all "enhanced" at the bow. I also recall from my forecastle enlisted Navy destroyer days that there may be a canon like sound coming through the outer hull plating during rough seas as they pound the hull at the bow. Cruise ships will have more interior sound insulation than a destroyer, which at least in my day, had none, but there is a reason why the youngest and most militarily junior personnel in the world's navies are berthed at the bow in the forecastle. Trust me you don't want to actually pay for that ride.

However be advised you may be asked to pay more for that view. A Weather deck cabin across from the life boats affords you lots of day light for your obstructed view and may cost hundreds less than that unobstructed sea view. The plans sent with the marketing brochure often don't show clearly the lifeboat locations. Ask your booking agent about this. Again the rule of thumb is near life boats lots of light, little real view. Unobstructed ocean views often cost extra, but not always. On some designs the life boats are above the cabins no one is charged extra for an unobstructed view but there may be interior cabins with no outside view that are cheaper. 
 This one can be tough to spot on the brochure plan, talk with your booking agent and avoid getting stuck beneath this often 24 / 7 noise factory. 

 At sea when a crime occurs, the only criminal law certain to apply is the law of the flag state. The better the flag state the better the crew vetting and the the less likelihood of crew crime.  Criminally intended passengers are far from unheard of and difficult to prevent from boarding. If you feel you became a victim of a crime while aboard and that it was preventable by ordinary and prudent security precautions on the part of the shipping company,you may or may not have access to US courts for determining liability depending on the nature and provisions of your contract for carriage (passenger ticket) and the presence of any assets of the owners in the country. This is yet another reason why we like the British and Common Wealth carriers, if you become reliant on a foreign court system, at least theirs is familiar and fundamentally fair. 
 A lot of the best cruise destinations look like tropical paradises until you get a little off the beaten tourist path. Many are in fact simply third world nations with all of the crime and danger that implies. Don't hesitate to sign up for those optional escorted tours from the ship. If you land in some sort of trouble you will be reliant on the local police. Don't believe the new TV shows, there is no US FBI special task force coming to your rescue. If you need the help of the US State Department in the form of embassy or consular services our experience as professional mariners is simply don't expect much , don't be surprised if you are treated like an annoyance.