We looked at "future wars in space" in our analytic post on the new SPACE FORCE. Much like the U.S. Air Force out of which the Space Force is evolving we saw the first military engagements in space to be in support of military operations on earth. But we also predicted many mission additions over the coming decade that would require more manned efforts in space by the newly formed SPACE FORCE. China has declared its intention of being dominant in space and to dominate the global space industry by mid century. The most worrisome issue with this ambition of the Dragon is the fact that China does not see the solar system as part of the commons of mankind but fully intends to make territorial claims. We predicted this behavior not only on the Dragon's public declarations but also on their observable behavior in the commons of the seas. (SEE: THE DRAGON IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND OUTER SPACE. Our view of "War" in Space looked much like this:

We find the type of writing found in THE FIRST SPACE WAR to not fit just right into science fiction, or science fantasy. It delivers its warnings about possible future events through a fictional narrative but the back ground science is rock solid. We won't quibble about the title for in actuality, in fact, our view of a potential mid century "war" is really a space theater of operations in war between earth bound peer powers over earth issues and resources. Set more than century into the future beyond our field view "THE FIRST SPACE WAR" is about a real war in our solar system complete between Earth and certain Earth Colonies, most notable Mars. The issues may include colonization and colonial rule generally, asteroid mining, and and terraforming. In our view the most important issue for a war of independence between Earth and Mars would have to be decades of success in terraforming Mars. It would be suicidal for a colony ( think corporate town(s) ) that was dependent on a mother planet for vital supplies to keep its atmosphere breathable and water supply up to par to start a war for independence. However, assuming that tarraforming meets with huge success on Mars and elsewhere, the narrative enters the realm of possibility.
The authors go beyond our present day view of military space activity in support of terrestrial conflict to outline why and possibly how human expansion into the solar system could lead to war between Earth and her colonies.
The book is easy to read with essay style chapters and mostly free of technical jargon. This is a fictionalized version of what could be the first real Space war, but it is instructional. We recommend it for the professional reading of members of the new SPACE FORCE. Lawyers studying space law. NASA administrators, senior Air Force Officers. It can be a bit pricey with some vendors charging more $95 a copy. The publisher is Lexington Books in Lanhan, MD.

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