Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How Whale Poop Balanced Earth's Nutrient Cycles

Updated and links checked 2/3/2020
Illustration for article titled How Whale Poop Balanced Earths Nutrient Cycles

Illustration for article titled How Whale Poop Balanced Earths Nutrient Cycles
Illustration for article titled How Whale Poop Balanced Earths Nutrient Cycles

Image courtesy of NOAA

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Complete Story in GIZMODO:

"Over the last few centuries, whale populations have been decimated by hunting, with global population densities declining anywhere between 66 and 99%. And that’s leading to widespread changes across food webs and ecosystems. Because whales, with their tremendous appetites and equally impressive plumes of excrement, literally fertilize the Earth, bringing nutrients like phosphorus up from the ocean’s depths and transporting these critical resources across the world.
According to a study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, the loss of Earth’s largest poop machines, as well as certain smaller fish and seabirds, has had a profound impact on global nutrient cycles, potentially weakening ecosystem health, fisheries and agriculture. Let’s explore how it works." @ GIZMODO:


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