Image lifted from April's Home Page: 

April Vokey was raised in British Columbia and has been fishing since she was knee high to a grasshopper. She began her recreational fishing career as many do, as a fishing guide and morphed into something of a fishing journalists, researcher and non fiction writer and Internet personalityy. Others have expanded recreational fishing professionalism into realms beyond guiding, but she is one of the pioneers at launching professional and profitable activity into cyber space. April brings the pod cast format to fishing at ANCHORED WITH APRIL VOKEY FLY FISHING PODCAST:
Here is what we find really interesting and new about her cyber approach to a professional recreational fishing career. Previously the first professional bass fishermen, fly fishermen and others making a career of recreational fishing beyond guiding, turned to television. Even after the proliferation of channels that enlarged the TV realm beyond the original three net works it was still the lucky few who could win a sport fishing show. Creative freedom was also limited as TV likes those who take direction best. Anyone can start a blog on the Internet with zero capital. If its high quality it will eventually attract an audience and with that some advertising revenues. What really sets April apart from her competition is that not only is her blog successful but she has been able to produce such high quality information and presentations that she has a growing list of subscribers who pay to see what she is posting beyond the blog and she has attracted commercial sponsors. Her endorsements mean something to her readers who do believe that she is one of the best fly fishers on the planet , if not THE best and she is able to run an on line shop: Yet despite all that cyber business producing cash flow on line she still runs a guide service and solicits clients on line.Now here is the point that no aspiring professional recreational fisher should miss. All this cyber work,while no doubt very time consuming at first, is well enough organized now that April doesn't neglect her fishing spending half the year fly fishing in her native British Columbia and the other half salt water fishing in Australia. No doubt some of these expeditions are paid guide work and some are for production on her pod cast or other parts of her web presence, but April fishes probably nearly as many days as you put in on that 9 to 5 job you hate. So April always is learning like all great fishers. What creates her market is that she doesn't keep her great fishing technique, locations, and gear discoveries secret, she is an excellent teacher/ video presenter.....but for the best stuff you're gonna want to be a paid subscriber. But you definitely can learn more about April for free on her blog and visiting her shop toll free. Becoming a professional recreational fisher is easy and you just can't get a college degree in it and then send out a resume. You make your own way or you don't make it. April is blazing a new path to a more highly compensated form of recreational fishing professionalism. We highly recommend her web sites for both the serious angler, the wanna be serious angler, and especially the serious angler thinking of turning pro. Click in and get some lessons from a real pioneer.
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