I been monitoring the Cohen hearings via the hydrophones all morning. I offer the following observations:
Update February 28, 2017. The hearings continue away from the cameras. It appears all the stuff that could be presented in an incendiary manner was done yesterday. Despite the fact that everything said yesterday was mostly untrue and of virtually no consequence the hearings continue. Such is the way of Marxist political theater. Its all about atmospherics before starting a baseless drive to impeach the President for not being Hillary. Democrats believe that Americans are incapable of critical thinking. They aren't really sure though, so they hedge their bets by "expanding the electorate" to include convicted felons and inmates, and illegal aliens. They already have a bill to eliminate the Electoral College so that the "Deplorables" who are all citizens will have to accept the choices of their "expanded electorates" in California, and New York. Of course that would actually require a Constitutional amendment, which is not likely. Until they get control they will label anyone who is not for inclusion of felons, inmates, interdicts, and resident and illegal aliens on the voter rolls as "Racists" and "Antidemocratic" .
Update February 28, 2017. The hearings continue away from the cameras. It appears all the stuff that could be presented in an incendiary manner was done yesterday. Despite the fact that everything said yesterday was mostly untrue and of virtually no consequence the hearings continue. Such is the way of Marxist political theater. Its all about atmospherics before starting a baseless drive to impeach the President for not being Hillary. Democrats believe that Americans are incapable of critical thinking. They aren't really sure though, so they hedge their bets by "expanding the electorate" to include convicted felons and inmates, and illegal aliens. They already have a bill to eliminate the Electoral College so that the "Deplorables" who are all citizens will have to accept the choices of their "expanded electorates" in California, and New York. Of course that would actually require a Constitutional amendment, which is not likely. Until they get control they will label anyone who is not for inclusion of felons, inmates, interdicts, and resident and illegal aliens on the voter rolls as "Racists" and "Antidemocratic" .
1. Mr. Cohen ,and his legal counsel managed to withhold from the full committee his written comments until the hearings actually convened. Yet, the Democratic members seemed to know the contents as did the media. The ranking Republican member pointed out to the Committee chairman Rep. Cummings of Maryland (D) that this withholding violated committee rules. The Republican ranking member moved for a delay in the start of the hearing so that the Republican members could review the written statement and documents offered in evidence. The motion was immediately denied and the hearing opened with about a thirty minute lecture from Mr. Cohen on the alleged evils of Donald Trump. This from the only witness, a man already convicted of lying to banks, Federal investigators, and the Congress.
2. The major networks spent most of the day on the hearing at a time when the President was out of the country trying to insure the safety of all Americans from nuclear annihilation from North Korea. Conveniently, For the Democrats this denied the President any positive media coverage at a time when his positive activities should have been the focus of media attention.
3. One item the Democrats focused on was the President's discussions with Mr. Cohen about the Wiki Leak release of Hillary Clinton's hidden E-mails. The meeting took place in July of the year referenced. The Democrats visited this meeting again and again describing it in conspiratorial tone as if it involved discussion of secretly and illegally obtained information. In fact the pending release was described in electronic and print media in early June, a month prior. The two were discussing facts already reported to the general public. A Republican described this fact and entered into evidence the relevant media reports. He received about 30 seconds of media coverage. Subsequent Democrats constantly kept coming back to this meeting acting as if the meeting was based on secretly obtained illegal information .
4. The chief "evidence" offered by Mr. Cohen of Trump's involvement in an alleged series of pay offs of alleged former sexual partners were heavily redacted checks for varying amounts with no "memo" or accompanying correspondence indicating the purpose of the payments. This would not qualify as "evidence" in any court of law. More importantly there is no significance to the alleged affairs as they are not alleged to have occurred while Mr. Trump was in office or even running for office.
OPINION: The hearing is simply classic Marxist political theater. The committee has no authority to bring criminal charges and received no real evidence of such. The purposes of the theater were:
1. Distract potential positive media attention from the President who was over seas performing his duties, and strike at his reputation while he was distracted and out of town.
2. Develop atmospherics towards public support of an impeachment. What is an "impeachable offense"? Pretty much anything the Congress says it is and that the public might stand for.