UKRAINE SCANDAL EXPLAINED: Chalkboard on DNC Collusion, Joe Biden, Soros, Trump & more by Glenn Beck. (link)
From Glenn Beck's blog : "Glenn explains EVERYTHING you need to know about the Ukraine scandal. And it goes MUCH further than Hunter and Joe Biden, and their involvement there. This timeline gives you all the facts and proof you need to show that there was DNC collusion, not collusion with President Trump, during the 2016 election. Democrats worked with Ukrainian officials to investigate "dirt" on Trump, and Glenn shows you EVERYTHING -- including how even George Soros is involved -- in a way that's easy to understand."
We watched this presentation and did fact checking. Beck has it right on in an easy to understand chalk board presentation. The time line is especially enlightening . It shows how years before the Trump Presidency Biden et al were milking the U.S. Ukraine relationship and pocketing serious money personally for their efforts. Where the Trump Presidency appears in the time line pretty much tells the story. Trump arrives at the White House unaware that this corruption had been going on for years. Indeed at first unaware of the corruption at all. Had Hillary made her scheduled coronation the Bidens et al could have covered up and benefited from this corruption for years .
Once Trump did discover the corruption the Deep State / Democratic leadership of the House went to work to blame it on Trump and shut down or cast public doubt on any emerging criminal investigation that involved Biden, Hillary et al, The secret and illegal "Impeachment Investigation" held behind closed doors with only selected release of documents in violation of The HOUSE RULES AND MANUAL is meant as a distraction from the real criminality in this event. Our research indicates that there is a lot criminality including felonies, misdemeanors, torts perpetrated by the Democrats with a two fold goal. The first is an effort to actually remove the duly elected President from office. The second goal is to cover the tracks of corruption by the Obama Administration, Hillary and the Bidens. Of course if they actually succeeded at goal one their problems could conceivably go away. It doesn't seem to dawn on them that if they do remove the President, Vice President Mike Pence becomes President not Hillary. People will be angry, Pence is a more attractive candidate than anyone the Democrats have fielded so far. If he ran in 2020 in the wake of an obvious coup by lawless Democrats and Deep State Operatives he would draw as much as 79% of the popular vote.
We urge you to view the Glen Beck Presentation and to guide others to it.
We also urge you to read the following related posts:
Once Trump did discover the corruption the Deep State / Democratic leadership of the House went to work to blame it on Trump and shut down or cast public doubt on any emerging criminal investigation that involved Biden, Hillary et al, The secret and illegal "Impeachment Investigation" held behind closed doors with only selected release of documents in violation of The HOUSE RULES AND MANUAL is meant as a distraction from the real criminality in this event. Our research indicates that there is a lot criminality including felonies, misdemeanors, torts perpetrated by the Democrats with a two fold goal. The first is an effort to actually remove the duly elected President from office. The second goal is to cover the tracks of corruption by the Obama Administration, Hillary and the Bidens. Of course if they actually succeeded at goal one their problems could conceivably go away. It doesn't seem to dawn on them that if they do remove the President, Vice President Mike Pence becomes President not Hillary. People will be angry, Pence is a more attractive candidate than anyone the Democrats have fielded so far. If he ran in 2020 in the wake of an obvious coup by lawless Democrats and Deep State Operatives he would draw as much as 79% of the popular vote.
We urge you to view the Glen Beck Presentation and to guide others to it.
We also urge you to read the following related posts:
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