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New Feature In Marine Literature SectionE-Book: PROTOCOLS: Fun Link To The Moon Landing
Our read on line book of essays "PROTOCOLS" based on our 2012 series "SPACE AS AN OCEAN" has an interesting set of links just before you get into the first installment. First we have a link that lets you look in on the international space station. Then just yesterday we added a link to a recently completed video of the first manned landing on the moon. This isn't the TV shots of Neil Armstrong descending the lander. This is the actual view of the approach and landing out the little viewing port of the Astronauts synchronized with the radio communications as they occurred. You can listen in to both flight and mission control circuits, with columns on each side of the video window that have names and photos of the speakers as they speak highlighted as each speaker adds their communication to the data being collected and analyzed on the descent, and hear each decision made as the descent passes the point of no return to final landing. There may be more of this kind of video in the future. If so we will link you to it in the MARITIME LITERATURE section just above the start of protocols. We are also interested in finding videos of the pre-shuttle in ocean recoveries. Click on the link below to go directly to the video. The link is a semi-permanent fixture at PROTOCOLS in the MARITIME LITERATURE page. There is also a link at the top of this post
If the idea of reading a book on line seems daunting to you keep in mind that Protocols is a collection of essays on the parallels between the European age of ocean exploration and the on going age of space exploration. A single essay contains a complete observation and can be read in minutes. You can pick up with another essay at any time. Watch out though for the propensity of the MARITIME LITERATURE SECTION to avoid standing in proper alphabetical rank. For some reason it likes to jump the alphabetical order in the special interest pages listings to your right as you enter the blog and migrate down to the bottom of the list. But its there and working.
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