By Jeremy Black, published by Oxford and New York Osprey Publishing 2017 ; 192 pages illustrated with index .

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OK, if we have all of the necessary nanny state required warnings out of the way we'd like to tell you about this book. The author, Jeremy Black is a faculty member of Exter University in the UK and is considered a leading international naval scholar. His description of the impact and importance of various types of maps and navigation charts is brief, accurate, and at times quite insightful. While academically useful, this book is more of a big coffee table type portfolio of images of nautical maps and charts. The images are beautifully presented and all the more interesting since they do not represent only vintage navigation charts. Some come from the news journals of the day in almost cartoon form. Depending on which side of a naval conflict the source of the map came from you may encounter cartoonist figures of persons of historical record depicted about some of the news journal maps illustrating points of the battle illustrated. Elsewhere you will find actual navigation charts of the relevant eras. The book covers about 500 years of the developments of maps and charts for naval usage including news reporting and propaganda, and the technological developments in naval war fare from before 1700 through about WWII.
We highly recommend this book for those naval professionals and history buffs who maintain more than a basic professional personal library. If you use the link provided above you can browse through the actual book on line quite a bit. The book originally sold for about $45 and we now see on Amazon editions for between about $15 and $26. Not a bad time or a bad price for those seeking to make a valuable edition to a personal professional library.
Johnas Presbyter, Editor
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