The Dragon is firmly committed to an autocratic system of government. It may have tried to project a friendlier and more gentle demeanor since about 1982 but that's just not in Dragon DNA. The Dragon now seems to believe that either atheism or agnosticism is so prevalent in the world that no one will mind their persecution of religion. The Dragon can see that Islam is wearing out its welcome in the West with its insistence on over throwing Western governments and establishing Islamic supremacy and Sharia Law. We could understand if China took a strong stand against Islam as indeed it is a competitor for civil and criminal control of society. China is actually sending Muslims to reeducation camps by the thousands. The Dragon simply doesn't care what the millions of people in the Islamic world think. The Dragon knows that as long as the Dragon controls its own borders, and the Dragon does; the "forces" of Islam don't amount to a hill of beans.
But the Dragon seems to have really over stepped recently when it decided to pull the gloves off in its persecution of Christians. The West,despite the image portrayed in Western media dominated as it is by secular humanists, non believer socialists is still about 76 to 79 percent congregated Christians of one denomination or the other. That doesn't count the nominals who were raised Christian, follow Christian ethical and moral teachings but don't get involved in "organized religion" Christians are taught to "render to Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's." They are not rivals or even interested in competing for political control of China. But yet the Dragon's officials are persecuting them most vigorously, as if they hadn't read history. Nothing proliferates Christians like persecution. As the Dragon makes Christianity the object of persecution it becomes counter cultural to be Christian, a big draw for the young. More over the whole idea is a grievous offense to Chinese Customers around the world. Much of the World identifies with Christians. Will we continue to buy goods from a nation that systematically persecutes Christians? Will governments be willing to cooperate with the Dragon when the people no longer support such cooperation. Chiristian persecution historically has been a very unhealthy move for regimes so paranoid as to fear them. Left alone they are a very productive group within a society.
According to Britain's DAILY MAIL China is burning Bibles, destroying crosses and other Christian symbols, shuttering churches, and ordering Christians to sign documents renouncing their faith. It also appears that the Dragon is cracking down on religion generally, including Buddhism . You can read more about it by following this link:
The Dragon is a reptile and has a reptilian brain. Such brians are very focused,but narrowly focused. China does not see how the persecution of Christians robs it of its' traditional "mandate of heaven" and will end its restoration as the "Middle Kingdom".
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Thiis is a great post thanks