Monday, December 10, 2018


Phil Wallace - This is just a small sampling of our local... | Facebook

 Women are starting to discover the sport of fishing, opening a whole new market for services, boats, and fishing gear manufacturers and vendors. We found this image on our goggle profile home page. WE APPRECIATE SUCH INPUT.

 Unfortunately goggle doesn't give us a  delete button so all sorts of people post things there we have no use for, and no appreciation of, such as scantily clad women, shinny custom cars, dish ware, and cook ware for sale, cartoons. jokes etc.. We can't delete them and we don't appreciate all the posts that have nothing to do with the subjects of this blog. But ladies the entire crew and especially the Fishing Section appreciate your interest in sport fishing and applaud your recent entry into the ranks of professional sport fishing via tournament fishing, sports writing , and guide services.

 One of the things we hope more women in fishing will lead to is more fly tying and the making of lures in the off season. Men are losing these arts. But today a lot of artificial lures and flys we cast into the water are costing upwards from $5. Every angler knows fish like cover such as fallen logs, rock ledges, weed beds etc.. You can lose a lot of expensive lures in waters with good fish habitat. Each creek, river, pond, impoundment, or lake is a different environment with unique local food species. The only reasonably priced way to get lures that reflect local food species is to build them yourself.  The lady anglers could lead the way in this movement. 

 Ladies if you have something to share about your fishing experiences, don't hesitate to send us a comment on this blog. If you want to send something longer or a photo please send it to our Google Profile Home Page. Google Plus; Johnas Presbyter  click on "Home" and please accept our apologies for some of the off point, off color, and tasteless postings there. We have no delete button but this is our only way of receiving photos . To the young lady who caught the great trout above thank you for sending in the image. If you'd like to send your name via the comment section at the end of this post we would be happy to caption the image. If you happen to be a tournament angler, or guide send contact information and we will feature it as free advertising for you. Keep fishing ladies. And men, take your wife or girl friend fishing she wont catch them all. 

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