Greetings Bipeds! The Left is at again. Lend me your ears and I will explain all!
Editors Note: 11/12/19: The Muller Investigation folded which the following was in response to. None the less , this is worth a reread as the new "Ukraine gate "investigation " goes into its televised stage. The Muller investigation which was totally rigged to damage the President ended with out a glove being laid on the President while most of America learned that HIllary had taken Russian money and sold them our uranium. Of course the MSM did their best to keep Hillary's misdeeds from public scrutiny.But those who understood how the Marxists "Big LIE" works twittered over the heads of the MSM. As the Marxist democrats launch their second try at a coup look for the elements of the big lie.
Presently we see the stacked tribunal complete with Marxist members touting publicly that "hearsay is better than evidence". Maybe they suppose that an average American doesn't know the difference between hearsay and evidence or why hearsay is banned from American tribunals as too unreliable to make serious judgement upon. The Democrats imposed the unheard of rules that the President may not confront his accuser, his legal counsel may be thrown out of the tribunal at the sole whim of the democrats in charge. All witnesses so far admit that they weren't in on the phone call and are simply repeating hearsay. Hearsay is inadmissible in any other American tribunal. The Democrats still control the release of documents. The Democrats play to the media in an attempt to make hearsay sound like "evidence"
The Democrats have no chance of dragging the President to trial for impeachment. It takes a lot more than a simple majority to pass an indictment up to the Senate . It is very doubtful that the handful of Congressmen by which the Democrats claim dominance over the house are sufficient in number to achieve the constitutionally required percentage for indictment. Two Democrats voted with the Republicans to drop the present "investigation". The Republicans have control over the Senate, even if the Democrats actually secured an indictment it would die in the Senate. So why drag out the big lie again? The entire aim is to try and build a public impression that the President can't be trusted reducing his base and the impressions of the independent voters, and the growing number of Democrats either crossing over the party line or dropping out of the party to become independents. Below are a series of posts that were written during the Muller era that serve as case studies in the operation of the"Big Lie" and other Marxist plays being used by the Democratic leadership.
EDITORS NOTE: Abraham Lincoln said that .."You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time". We believe after years of dealing with him that you can't fool the Great Catfish any time. This is the response of the Great Catfish to the tweet cited below and recent announcements by the Muller investigation concerning the unnamed "Person of Interest No.1"
Consmover Retweeted
Amazing demonrats sit on television stating if you speak to Russia about building a hotel your colluding.
Yet Hillary actually received money from Russians and paid for Russian lies. You can only have it one way.
Is it OK or not?
@JudgeJeanine the asshat on your show tonight
The Democrats front man for the "Big Lie" is Robert Muller who has been put in charge of a pseudo-investigation to convince the American people that Donald Trump stole the scheduled Hillary coronation . More over the leftists want you to believe that Trump did it through collusion with Russia, who for reasons yet unexplained, favored Trump over Hillary. Common sense of course would ask at the outset why would Russia want Trump to be elected when Hillary actually took their money and delivered to them a substantial portion of America's uranium supply. But the "big lie" is the way of the left. Whatever you might be accused of accuse your political opponent of the same thing, only louder, more insistently, make it look official, and repeat until the public believes your big lie. But as soon as the election was over I was able to easily explain how and why Donald Trump won. Not with voter fraud but in spite of massive Democratic voter fraud. Let's revisit that analysis reprinted below:
"Greetings Bi Peds!
I've waited a while before commenting, the American lame stream media was having its day but it looks like they have finally fabricated their final crazy reason for why Hillary failed to make her scheduled coronation. You've heard it by now, "the Russians did it". As usual everyone over looked the true, simple and mathematically correct explanation. So since so many of you have come to rely on me for such insights I thought I'd explain the election in terms even the most left leaning democrat could understand. Here is the math.
1. Depending on whose survey you rely on between 71% to 79% of adult Americans are Christians. Let's roughly average the high and low and suggest that 75% of voting age Americans identify with some type of Christian denomination.
2. Based on the primary presidential elections of both parties neither of the final candidates had very good public approval ratings. It was clear from the polling but not reported directly by the main stream media that most Christians saw the election as a choice between the "lesser of two evils."
3. The main stream media which hates Christian pastors and ignores their pronouncements, paid no attention to the public pronouncements of pastors, Catholic, Evangelical, or Old line Protestant, but basically they all advised their flocks the same. "In a contest between the lesser of two evils examine carefully the platforms of the candidates and vote for the candidate with the platform that comes closest to supporting Christian values."
4. While different Christian sects disagree some what on abortion, no real Christian community supports abortion through out pregnancy with out restriction up to and including "partial birth" abortion. Hillary's platform supported abortion including partial birth abortion, demanded more Federal funding of abortion, promised abortion liking federal judge appointments. Hillary made public statements that Christians would have to conform their beliefs to accommodate abortion. Even Christians who may be tolerant of abortion before the first trimester can't agree with government mandated religious dogma. Believe me I'm just touching on the single most obvious anti Christian elements in the Clinton platform. By contrast Trump's platform was plainly "pro life" and his public statement about religion (Me? I'm Presbyterian") didn't even hint at being tolerant of governmental demands to control religious teachings.
5. Now consider this, roughly 75% of American voters are Christian, and 86% of Christians reported voting for Trump. Obviously they simply followed the advice of their pastors, who in fact never endorsed a candidate by name. The plain and simple fact that America , despite pronouncements by Obama and his lawsuit against the Little Sisters of the Poor, despite the disapproval of the American media, and other elitist elements is in fact "A Christian Nation" created Trump's irreducible base.
6. The whinny Democrats still can't get over their claim that "Hillary won the popular election". But if you eliminate California, Hillary lost the "popular election" in all of the "Great Fly over States" by a whopping factor. Want to guess how many of those California "voters" were illegals? Consider that California has more "sanctuary cities" than just about anywhere, issues drivers licenses without proof of citizenship, and has a "motor voter law". The whole state is a virtual illegal alien sanctuary and they vote. Hillary did not win the legal popular vote. She was tossed out because she is an enemy of Christians, period, Meanwhile The Muslims, the hope of the democrats, constitute about .o9% of the population. Stop their unlimited immigration and given their apostasy rate in the US coupled with their strong religious impulse and I bet on a Christian conversion of the bulk of that population in a generation or two. This is especially true if we enforce the existing laws making murdering a family member for quitting Islam a crime. It wasn't voter fraud, or the Russians, or a hostile media (get real!) the Christians kicked the bitch out. Get over it ! "
Now you might ask Why did the Christians think that Hillary was a threat to their freedom of religion specifically and the nation generally? I answered that question as well previously:
"Greetings Bi Peds!
I've waited a while before commenting, the American lame stream media was having its day but it looks like they have finally fabricated their final crazy reason for why Hillary failed to make her scheduled coronation. You've heard it by now, "the Russians did it". As usual everyone over looked the true, simple and mathematically correct explanation. So since so many of you have come to rely on me for such insights I thought I'd explain the election in terms even the most left leaning democrat could understand. Here is the math.
1. Depending on whose survey you rely on between 71% to 79% of adult Americans are Christians. Let's roughly average the high and low and suggest that 75% of voting age Americans identify with some type of Christian denomination.
2. Based on the primary presidential elections of both parties neither of the final candidates had very good public approval ratings. It was clear from the polling but not reported directly by the main stream media that most Christians saw the election as a choice between the "lesser of two evils."
3. The main stream media which hates Christian pastors and ignores their pronouncements, paid no attention to the public pronouncements of pastors, Catholic, Evangelical, or Old line Protestant, but basically they all advised their flocks the same. "In a contest between the lesser of two evils examine carefully the platforms of the candidates and vote for the candidate with the platform that comes closest to supporting Christian values."
4. While different Christian sects disagree some what on abortion, no real Christian community supports abortion through out pregnancy with out restriction up to and including "partial birth" abortion. Hillary's platform supported abortion including partial birth abortion, demanded more Federal funding of abortion, promised abortion liking federal judge appointments. Hillary made public statements that Christians would have to conform their beliefs to accommodate abortion. Even Christians who may be tolerant of abortion before the first trimester can't agree with government mandated religious dogma. Believe me I'm just touching on the single most obvious anti Christian elements in the Clinton platform. By contrast Trump's platform was plainly "pro life" and his public statement about religion (Me? I'm Presbyterian") didn't even hint at being tolerant of governmental demands to control religious teachings.
5. Now consider this, roughly 75% of American voters are Christian, and 86% of Christians reported voting for Trump. Obviously they simply followed the advice of their pastors, who in fact never endorsed a candidate by name. The plain and simple fact that America , despite pronouncements by Obama and his lawsuit against the Little Sisters of the Poor, despite the disapproval of the American media, and other elitist elements is in fact "A Christian Nation" created Trump's irreducible base.
6. The whinny Democrats still can't get over their claim that "Hillary won the popular election". But if you eliminate California, Hillary lost the "popular election" in all of the "Great Fly over States" by a whopping factor. Want to guess how many of those California "voters" were illegals? Consider that California has more "sanctuary cities" than just about anywhere, issues drivers licenses without proof of citizenship, and has a "motor voter law". The whole state is a virtual illegal alien sanctuary and they vote. Hillary did not win the legal popular vote. She was tossed out because she is an enemy of Christians, period, Meanwhile The Muslims, the hope of the democrats, constitute about .o9% of the population. Stop their unlimited immigration and given their apostasy rate in the US coupled with their strong religious impulse and I bet on a Christian conversion of the bulk of that population in a generation or two. This is especially true if we enforce the existing laws making murdering a family member for quitting Islam a crime. It wasn't voter fraud, or the Russians, or a hostile media (get real!) the Christians kicked the bitch out. Get over it ! "
Recent WikiLeaks demonstrated that Hillary Clinton campaign’s spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri has a deep disdain for Catholics and Evangelicals. The now open hostility of Clinton to Christians prompted some thoughts quoted below from Republicans. Really, would anyone in their right mind vote for someone who has publicly stated that Christian doctrine must be changed to accommodate abortion, gay marriage , etc. Since when do candidates for public office campaign on promises to change the doctrines of any religion? Should anyone with such a deep disrespect for the Constitution be elected to uphold and defend it? Christians, were paying attention, they held their noses if they had to, but voted for Trump and avoided increased direct Federal persecution of Christians.
"The Clinton campaign’s disdain for the Catholic faith and Christian evangelicals is staggering. Catholicism has been the catalyst for the creation of hospitals, orphanages, and much of the university system across the world. To disparage the Catholic Church as ‘severely backwards’ is an insult to millions of people across the nation. If anything, these statements reveal the Clinton campaign’s hostile attitude toward people of faith in general. This is the United States of America—for centuries, people fled to our shores to find refuge from religious persecution. All Americans of faith should take a long, hard look at this and decide if these are the values we want to be represented in our next president. If Hillary Clinton continues to employ people with biased and bigoted views, it’s clear where her priorities lie."-Paul Ryan
"The hostility to religious liberty and the beliefs that we hold as Catholics should not go unnoticed or unpunished,” Trump campaign manager KellyAnne Conway said on the call. “We call on Hillary Clinton to apologize and to fire the staff who have engaged in this vicious anti-Catholic bigotry. All of this shows who these people are at the core.” -Trump campaign manager KellyAnne Conway
Recent WikiLeaks demonstrated that Hillary Clinton campaign’s spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri has a deep disdain for Catholics and Evangelicals. The now open hostility of Clinton to Christians prompted some thoughts quoted below from Republicans. Really, would anyone in their right mind vote for someone who has publicly stated that Christian doctrine must be changed to accommodate abortion, gay marriage , etc. Since when do candidates for public office campaign on promises to change the doctrines of any religion? Should anyone with such a deep disrespect for the Constitution be elected to uphold and defend it? Christians, were paying attention, they held their noses if they had to, but voted for Trump and avoided increased direct Federal persecution of Christians.
"The Clinton campaign’s disdain for the Catholic faith and Christian evangelicals is staggering. Catholicism has been the catalyst for the creation of hospitals, orphanages, and much of the university system across the world. To disparage the Catholic Church as ‘severely backwards’ is an insult to millions of people across the nation. If anything, these statements reveal the Clinton campaign’s hostile attitude toward people of faith in general. This is the United States of America—for centuries, people fled to our shores to find refuge from religious persecution. All Americans of faith should take a long, hard look at this and decide if these are the values we want to be represented in our next president. If Hillary Clinton continues to employ people with biased and bigoted views, it’s clear where her priorities lie."-Paul Ryan
"The hostility to religious liberty and the beliefs that we hold as Catholics should not go unnoticed or unpunished,” Trump campaign manager KellyAnne Conway said on the call. “We call on Hillary Clinton to apologize and to fire the staff who have engaged in this vicious anti-Catholic bigotry. All of this shows who these people are at the core.” -Trump campaign manager KellyAnne Conway
Christians rarely believe atheists when they claim not to be anti Christian. In an abundance of caution they carefully examine the background of any candidate for public office who carries a ringing endorsement from a formally recognized atheist group. What national group is more openly atheistic than the American Communist Party? The media paid no attention to it but in fact Hillary was the endorsed candidate of the American Communist Party which did not field a presidential candidate in 2016 and urged their membership to vote for Hillary who would fight for everything they believed in. We did however notice this fact and published on it. We're certain that if more of the voting public knew this Hillary would not have done as well as she did.
There definitely was and continues to be voter fraud. However while not unheard of it is rarely Republican. The Democrats on the other hand practiced it big time prior to 2016 and no doubt during the election. It is a stable of Democratic party political strategy. We noticed that and published the analysis below shortly after the election which is when the Democrats immediately started shouting that the election was stolen by the Republicans.

Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012
Illustration from the Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012 Website:
We have very little doubt that there was massive Democratic voter fraud in 2012 and that while there was something of a movement at the grassroots level to try to get it corrected, it was too little too late. Once in office the Obama administration certainly wasn't going to do anything to correct the situation and the main stream media quickly buried the issue. Now with the 2016 presidential election past and the Democrats alleging everything from voter fraud to Russian interference to explain their loss it seems a good time to revisit the voter fraud issue. Its also time for the Republican party to make plans to insure that their future candidates get a fair count. Democratic voter fraud must be anticipated since it is more probably than not something that occurred in the 2012 presidential election and has never been corrected. Our own Namazu posted the following examples from his research in an earlier post. Here we want to draw our readers to other sources and other incidents as well. We don't have the resources of the Government or the mainstream media, neither of which will make any attempt to "prove", much less correct the appearance of massive Democratic voter fraud. But in our opinion any reasonable person who looks at even a fraction of the evidence and indicators would have to conclude that Democratic Voter Fraud in the last Presidential election was "more probable than not". That is a sufficient level of proof to win a civil case and ample reason for the Trump administration and the Republican party to take extra and studiously efficient precautions against a repeat of this sorry history. Of all the facts that we find incriminating the simplest, most undeniable, fact is this:
Here are the observations from Namazu's earlier post:
1. In the Obama / Romney contest in key parts of the Greater Philadelphia area, Obama received 100% of the vote , without a single recorded vote for Romney, a mathematical and statistical near impossibility.
2. In 21 voting districts in Wood County, Ohio Obama received 100% of the vote after Republican poll monitors were forcefully and illegally removed. Not a single vote was recorded for Romney, again a mathematical and statistical near impossibility.
3. In the same Wood county 106,258 voted in a county with only 98,213 eligible registered voters.
4. In St. Lucie County, Florida there were 175,574 registered voters but 247,713 votes were cast.
5. Palm Beach County , Florida had a 141% voter turnout.
6. In one Ohio county , Obama won by 108% of the total number of eligible voters.
7. Obama won in every state that did not require a photo ID to vote and lost in every state that did.
Here are some more observations from various sources:
Philly Polling Stations Where GOP Inspectors Were Kicked Out Had 90% Voter Turnout, 99% Voted For Obama… (PA) (Black Panthers kicked out the GOP observers and stood guard at the polling stations .)
via @BeachCity55 on Twitter: Senior parents in Florida told not to put their ballots through their reader but in a box. Senior votes in FL not counted? (FL)
After Trump won the Electoral College vote and claimed the Presidency the Democrats immediately challenged the election and demanded several state recounts. The recounts may have been indicative of Democratic Party voter fraud because each recount actually turned up a larger majority for Trump. The Democrats made a big issue of supposedly Hillary "winning the popular vote:" However, if one subtracts the California vote, a state she did carry, she loses the "popular vote" by a considerable margin. Why eliminate the California vote? You may have noticed that the Hillary forces did not ask for a recount there or any other investigation that would touch on the California vote. You see California issues driver's licenses without demanding proof of citizenship and yet has a "motor voter law". So in a state with a porous border with Mexico , an abundance of "sanctuary cities", and doubtless tens of thousands of illegal aliens allowed to vote, certainly the Democrats don't want to see any bright white lights turned on the California electorate. There must be an elimination of "motor voter laws in states" which do not require proof of citizenship for the issuance of driver's licenses. In any state where there has been serious evidence of voter fraud in the last decade such as California, Florida, and Ohio picture ID and proof of citizenship should be required by Federal official poll watchers in all Federal elections until those states address their issues of lax voter fraud prevention.
Help this go viral. America needs to know how pervasive voter fraud was in the 2012 election, and that nothing has been done about it since. Look at the mainstream media polls before the 2016 Presidential election. Depending on which polls you believed at the time (MSM Clinton ahead by 1 to 2 %, others ,Trump ahead by as much as 4%, Political T shirt and hat sales 70% for Trump merchandise and about 28% for Clinton. Remember the popular vote doesn't elect a president, the Electoral College does. Win in certain key states and a candidate who lost the popular vote by a small margin can take office.
The Democrats may well have stolen Ohio, Florida, and Massachusetts, and possibly Colorado in 2012. We may never know what they stole in 2016 because Trump won by a big enough margin to overcome the effect of Democratic voter fraud. Is it unreasonable to be prepared to contest these states legally, monitor their poles closely before the next Federal Elections? Who will do this if not the Trump Administration and the Republican party? The immediate past administration more probably than not was run by the beneficiaries of the last fraud.
Then there is the whinny Democrats lament that Russia and not "whistle blowers" released the Hillary E-mails? Stop and think a minute. It was the contents stupid! If she had not written damaging things the release by anyone wouldn't have mattered. The contents of those E-mails and the use of unclassified routing for classified material is what was so damaging to her reputation as a potential Commander in Chief. No matter who exposed them, she wrote them. Get over it leftards! And, go ahead and continue buying guns, we pragmatists, constitutionalists, and conservatives ( and other "deplorables") fully support your 2nd amendment rights. But if you think that you're going to use those arms to force your globalist, socialist, agnostic agenda on us....remember we were armed first, have a much larger proportion of military veterans among us, are better trained, and out number you. Really, get over it leftards, you've already embarrassed your selves before all the decent tax paying reasonable people, don't go getting your butts shot to ribbons. We've lost elections to your factions based on massive voter fraud and never threatened you. Learn to play the game or get off the playing field of democracy.
Illustration from the Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012 Website:
We have very little doubt that there was massive Democratic voter fraud in 2012 and that while there was something of a movement at the grassroots level to try to get it corrected, it was too little too late. Once in office the Obama administration certainly wasn't going to do anything to correct the situation and the main stream media quickly buried the issue. Now with the 2016 presidential election past and the Democrats alleging everything from voter fraud to Russian interference to explain their loss it seems a good time to revisit the voter fraud issue. Its also time for the Republican party to make plans to insure that their future candidates get a fair count. Democratic voter fraud must be anticipated since it is more probably than not something that occurred in the 2012 presidential election and has never been corrected. Our own Namazu posted the following examples from his research in an earlier post. Here we want to draw our readers to other sources and other incidents as well. We don't have the resources of the Government or the mainstream media, neither of which will make any attempt to "prove", much less correct the appearance of massive Democratic voter fraud. But in our opinion any reasonable person who looks at even a fraction of the evidence and indicators would have to conclude that Democratic Voter Fraud in the last Presidential election was "more probable than not". That is a sufficient level of proof to win a civil case and ample reason for the Trump administration and the Republican party to take extra and studiously efficient precautions against a repeat of this sorry history. Of all the facts that we find incriminating the simplest, most undeniable, fact is this:
Here are the observations from Namazu's earlier post:
1. In the Obama / Romney contest in key parts of the Greater Philadelphia area, Obama received 100% of the vote , without a single recorded vote for Romney, a mathematical and statistical near impossibility.
2. In 21 voting districts in Wood County, Ohio Obama received 100% of the vote after Republican poll monitors were forcefully and illegally removed. Not a single vote was recorded for Romney, again a mathematical and statistical near impossibility.
3. In the same Wood county 106,258 voted in a county with only 98,213 eligible registered voters.
4. In St. Lucie County, Florida there were 175,574 registered voters but 247,713 votes were cast.
5. Palm Beach County , Florida had a 141% voter turnout.
6. In one Ohio county , Obama won by 108% of the total number of eligible voters.
7. Obama won in every state that did not require a photo ID to vote and lost in every state that did.
Here are some more observations from various sources:
Philly Polling Stations Where GOP Inspectors Were Kicked Out Had 90% Voter Turnout, 99% Voted For Obama… (PA) (Black Panthers kicked out the GOP observers and stood guard at the polling stations .)
via @BeachCity55 on Twitter: Senior parents in Florida told not to put their ballots through their reader but in a box. Senior votes in FL not counted? (FL)
After Trump won the Electoral College vote and claimed the Presidency the Democrats immediately challenged the election and demanded several state recounts. The recounts may have been indicative of Democratic Party voter fraud because each recount actually turned up a larger majority for Trump. The Democrats made a big issue of supposedly Hillary "winning the popular vote:" However, if one subtracts the California vote, a state she did carry, she loses the "popular vote" by a considerable margin. Why eliminate the California vote? You may have noticed that the Hillary forces did not ask for a recount there or any other investigation that would touch on the California vote. You see California issues driver's licenses without demanding proof of citizenship and yet has a "motor voter law". So in a state with a porous border with Mexico , an abundance of "sanctuary cities", and doubtless tens of thousands of illegal aliens allowed to vote, certainly the Democrats don't want to see any bright white lights turned on the California electorate. There must be an elimination of "motor voter laws in states" which do not require proof of citizenship for the issuance of driver's licenses. In any state where there has been serious evidence of voter fraud in the last decade such as California, Florida, and Ohio picture ID and proof of citizenship should be required by Federal official poll watchers in all Federal elections until those states address their issues of lax voter fraud prevention.
Help this go viral. America needs to know how pervasive voter fraud was in the 2012 election, and that nothing has been done about it since. Look at the mainstream media polls before the 2016 Presidential election. Depending on which polls you believed at the time (MSM Clinton ahead by 1 to 2 %, others ,Trump ahead by as much as 4%, Political T shirt and hat sales 70% for Trump merchandise and about 28% for Clinton. Remember the popular vote doesn't elect a president, the Electoral College does. Win in certain key states and a candidate who lost the popular vote by a small margin can take office.
The Democrats may well have stolen Ohio, Florida, and Massachusetts, and possibly Colorado in 2012. We may never know what they stole in 2016 because Trump won by a big enough margin to overcome the effect of Democratic voter fraud. Is it unreasonable to be prepared to contest these states legally, monitor their poles closely before the next Federal Elections? Who will do this if not the Trump Administration and the Republican party? The immediate past administration more probably than not was run by the beneficiaries of the last fraud.
Then there is the whinny Democrats lament that Russia and not "whistle blowers" released the Hillary E-mails? Stop and think a minute. It was the contents stupid! If she had not written damaging things the release by anyone wouldn't have mattered. The contents of those E-mails and the use of unclassified routing for classified material is what was so damaging to her reputation as a potential Commander in Chief. No matter who exposed them, she wrote them. Get over it leftards! And, go ahead and continue buying guns, we pragmatists, constitutionalists, and conservatives ( and other "deplorables") fully support your 2nd amendment rights. But if you think that you're going to use those arms to force your globalist, socialist, agnostic agenda on us....remember we were armed first, have a much larger proportion of military veterans among us, are better trained, and out number you. Really, get over it leftards, you've already embarrassed your selves before all the decent tax paying reasonable people, don't go getting your butts shot to ribbons. We've lost elections to your factions based on massive voter fraud and never threatened you. Learn to play the game or get off the playing field of democracy.
Then there is the whinny Democrats lament that Russia and not "whistle blowers" released the Hillary E-mails? Stop and think a minute. It was the contents stupid! If she had not written damaging things the release by anyone wouldn't have mattered. The contents of those E-mails and the use of unclassified routing for classified material is what was so damaging to her reputation as a potential Commander in Chief. No matter who exposed them, she wrote them. Get over it leftards! And, go ahead and continue buying guns, we pragmatists, constitutionalists, and conservatives ( and other "deplorables") fully support your 2nd amendment rights. But if you think that you're going to use those arms to force your globalist, socialist, agnostic agenda on us....remember we were armed first, have a much larger proportion of military veterans among us, are better trained, and out number you. Really, get over it leftards, you've already embarrassed your selves before all the decent tax paying reasonable people, don't go getting your butts shot to ribbons. We've lost elections to your factions based on massive voter fraud and never threatened you. Learn to play the game or get off the playing field of democracy.
Another form of voter fraud used by the Democrats is illegal voting by illegal aliens. California for example does not require proof of citizenship to issue a driver's license yet has a "motor voter law". There may be as many as two million illegal alien voters in California, or about the margin that Hillary says gave here that state's popular election. So far the Trump Administration hindered at every turn by the "Deep State" has not made a dent in eradicating this illegal source of Democratic party voter strength. Again I noted this quite some time back.
Greetings Bipeds!
As we all know Donald Trump won big enough to over come massive voter fraud , especially in California and other states with large populations of illegal aliens and demented but unfortunately "legal" democrats (see: TRUMP WON BIG ENOUGH TO OVERCOME THE ANTICIPATED VOTER FRAUD ). But , illegal voting by illegal aliens is not the only way they tip the balance of any Federal election in favor of the deranged (er...I meant to say "democrats" but you get it) . The mere presence of illegals within a state , especially a state like California now declared as a complete "sanctuary state" by their own "Governor Moonbeam" tips Presidential elections. You see these illegals are counted by the U.S. Census Bureau as "citizens" or "residents" of the states they illegally reside in. This practice in turn skews the numbers that determine how many congressional seats a given state gets and how many Electoral College votes the state gets in determining Presidential elections.
We have another census coming up in 2020. That census will determine how many congressional seats and Electoral College votes states like California and all others that disregard Federal immigration law will have in the subsequent elections. We estimate that there are about 22 million illegal aliens residing in the United States. They are not evenly spread across the land scape. They favor residence in states like California, New York, Florida, and Texas. Their presence dilutes the strength of Republican legal residents in Texas and Florida and puts California and New York over the top in Electoral College seats and Congressional seats, where illegal voting by these pseudo democrats is not only tolerated but encouraged. Giving these states additional Congressional seats and Electoral College votes is manifestly unfair and disenfranchises legitimate Republican voters. It is illegal, when people like Governor Moonbeam collude with others to hide illegal aliens in residence to the disenfranchisement of lawful voters they violate criminally the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is obviously unconstitutional to allow such a twisting of the census. The problem is so large that there exist a real possibility that the House could switch to Democratic control by 2022 and a demonic Democratic global socialists again would occupy the White House by 2024.
Write the President, he could issue an executive order requiring the Census Bureau to identify only lawful residents and to take pains to establish such lawful identity. This would mean more burning of shoe leather and the related expense and less reliance on forms returned by mail. Of course such an executive order would be immediately challenged by the so called "justices" of the "Deep State" as they have challenged every Trump Executive Order and rubber stamped any and all Obama orders in the past, but it's worth a shot. The sooner it is issued the sooner it can be challenged and fast tracked to the US Supreme Court where it would have a fair chance of being upheld. In the meanwhile also write your Congressional Representatives and Senators for a legislative attack on this problem. Now is the time to act. Remember the next Democrat in the White House probably won't be "Obama light" but a far more virulent form of the cancer than that which recently vacated the White House.
I'm a 3,000 year old giant Catfish as large as Japan and I approved this message- Namazu
“To date, not one bit of evidence of any type of coordination or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia to influence the election.”
Greetings Bipeds!
As we all know Donald Trump won big enough to over come massive voter fraud , especially in California and other states with large populations of illegal aliens and demented but unfortunately "legal" democrats (see: TRUMP WON BIG ENOUGH TO OVERCOME THE ANTICIPATED VOTER FRAUD ). But , illegal voting by illegal aliens is not the only way they tip the balance of any Federal election in favor of the deranged (er...I meant to say "democrats" but you get it) . The mere presence of illegals within a state , especially a state like California now declared as a complete "sanctuary state" by their own "Governor Moonbeam" tips Presidential elections. You see these illegals are counted by the U.S. Census Bureau as "citizens" or "residents" of the states they illegally reside in. This practice in turn skews the numbers that determine how many congressional seats a given state gets and how many Electoral College votes the state gets in determining Presidential elections.
We have another census coming up in 2020. That census will determine how many congressional seats and Electoral College votes states like California and all others that disregard Federal immigration law will have in the subsequent elections. We estimate that there are about 22 million illegal aliens residing in the United States. They are not evenly spread across the land scape. They favor residence in states like California, New York, Florida, and Texas. Their presence dilutes the strength of Republican legal residents in Texas and Florida and puts California and New York over the top in Electoral College seats and Congressional seats, where illegal voting by these pseudo democrats is not only tolerated but encouraged. Giving these states additional Congressional seats and Electoral College votes is manifestly unfair and disenfranchises legitimate Republican voters. It is illegal, when people like Governor Moonbeam collude with others to hide illegal aliens in residence to the disenfranchisement of lawful voters they violate criminally the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is obviously unconstitutional to allow such a twisting of the census. The problem is so large that there exist a real possibility that the House could switch to Democratic control by 2022 and a demonic Democratic global socialists again would occupy the White House by 2024.
Write the President, he could issue an executive order requiring the Census Bureau to identify only lawful residents and to take pains to establish such lawful identity. This would mean more burning of shoe leather and the related expense and less reliance on forms returned by mail. Of course such an executive order would be immediately challenged by the so called "justices" of the "Deep State" as they have challenged every Trump Executive Order and rubber stamped any and all Obama orders in the past, but it's worth a shot. The sooner it is issued the sooner it can be challenged and fast tracked to the US Supreme Court where it would have a fair chance of being upheld. In the meanwhile also write your Congressional Representatives and Senators for a legislative attack on this problem. Now is the time to act. Remember the next Democrat in the White House probably won't be "Obama light" but a far more virulent form of the cancer than that which recently vacated the White House.
I'm a 3,000 year old giant Catfish as large as Japan and I approved this message- Namazu
So who is this enemy of the legitimate citizens of the United States we call "The Deep State" who have effectively but not always successfully opposed the Trump Administration at every turn? The daily operatives are entrenched bureaucrats with Democratic leanings, senior executive service appointees left over from the Obama administration, federal judges appointed by Democrats. The power behind this army of the entrenched "Deep State" includes most of the main stream media, minus some talk radio shows which have a conservative perspective, most daily news papers many of which are owned by the intensely left leaning Hearst organization. The Hollywood elite, and foreign based funders like George Soros. We looked at this issue early on.
Anyone who reads the "Fake News" , checks facts on the Internet, or is not half brain dead has to have noticed by now that left over Obama officials, mostly those protected by civil service status as either members of the Federal Senior Executive Service (SES) or the nose bleed heights of the General Service (GS) work daily to frustrate President Trump's efforts to make good on his campaign promises. In the process of offering unceasing resistance to every White House initiative these members of the "Deep State" are daily aided and abetted by the steady stream of "Fake News" flowing from electronic media and networked print establishments. Stealthy skills in the art of back stabbing and "leaking" plus civil service rules keep these treasonous rabble in office. Unfortunately once all of them are discovered and eventually removed , a process that could easily take eight years the Deep State Resistance won't be dead because it is actually created by sources outside of the Federal Government in terms of financing and propaganda materials. American bipeds you need to know the players and your favorite catfish is here to give you the program:
There are four major globalist, atheist, socialists anti American organizations funneling money and data useful in propaganda into the Deep State Resistance: In a nut shell these are:
MEDIA MATTERS: A propaganda mill churning out daily propaganda in the guise of pseudo reports always to advance one or all of these themes: "The President got it wrong " (pick an issue in their reports he always has it wrong). The President can't be trusted (based on little more than his not being PC), The President made a big mistake ( anything that isn't socialists approved)
AMERICAN BRIDGE TO THE 21ST CENTURY: Is dedicated to collecting and organizing potentially damaging video such as Donald Trump utterances over the years that can be edited to indicate prior positions that reflect opposite his election platform positions. Presently they offer to the MSM over 2,000 hours of old Trump footage, and over 18,000 hours of footage of members of his cabinet.
CITIZENS FOR RESPONSIBILITY AND ETHICS in WASHINGTON (CREW) : A team of highly skilled lawyers working constantly at tracking and developing anything that could be worked into a seeming scandal. This is collection of true believers in the liberal globalists screed who mostly work pro bono.
SHAREBLUE: Is an electronic service designed to speed info that could be used to support themes as follows:
Trump is Authoritative
Trump is a Thief
Trump is under the influence of Putin
Trump is a manic depressive, weak and quick tempered personality
Trump was not elected by the majority of the American People and is therefore illegitimate.
The money that keeps these four cogs of the well oiled anti Trump propaganda machine comes from people like George Soros, a non citizen of the U.S. , the Leftist Hollywood Elite, and a number of globalists corporations. The Democratic Party which seems capable of stopping at nothing in offering resistance to the President in delivering on any of his campaign promises could disappear over night and a tremendous resistance of lefty fools and foreign interests would continue the resistance.
Sensible, hard working, intelligent, moral bipeds you must keep up, your freedom is at stake. Know that almost every thing negative that you hear about the President, his cabinet, or political base is untrue and comes from the above described propaganda machine. Expect that any Republican or conservative, or simply pragmatic candidate for public office will draw fire from this networked group of character assassins.
DON'T LET THE ROY MOORE FIASCO BE REPEATED. VOTE FOR THE PLATFORM AND IGNORE WHATEVER IS SAID ABOUT THE CANDIDATE. What is more moral, staying home from the polls, or voting for a no chance candidate vice a candidate who may or may not be flawed but is dedicated to a platform you believe in? More so than the probable 5,000 fraudulent votes in Alabama, Republicans who stayed home, or redirected their votes to a dilution candidate put the baby killing, Islamofacists, tax and spenders into a senate seat that was until about 30 days before the election a shoe in for a candidate with common sense and a moral ethical platform that the good people of Alabama understood. Alabama you and the nation were robbed by lies specially designed to make your sense of decency work against you. Let your sense of decency inform you on PLATFORMS expect an appeal to your sense of outrage once your candidate polls strong. Don't waiver, vote the platform and always remember the worst of all lies , the most skillfully told of all lies, is the half truth. Hold to the constitutional principal that a person should be presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty. These sexual allegations the Democrats love so much never seem to be fresh enough to warrant an arrest and trial so of course the "evidence" they offer will never be tested. In the Roy Moore Case the election is over and the seat lost yet just before the actual election it came out that his first accuser was in court records as living over 100 miles from the address he allegedly picked her up at on the pertinent date. The yearbook inscription was demonstrated to be fake. The other accusers brought on stage as accuser number one's credibility crumbled.....well, the election's over the seat taken by the liberals. No one is going to press the remaining "issues" unless Judge Moore runs for public office again, and then only about thirty days out. Bipeds ! are you starting to see the pattern?
Being a giant catfish native to the Pacific waters off Japan I can't vote in American elections. But having lived 3,000 years so far I have observed a lot of biped history. I believe in America's uniqueness. Consider the cowboy. Before America men who rode horses and carried weapons went about the countryside making war or simply looting and pillaging. Then the American cowboy appeared, a mounted, armed workman herding and caring for cattle, mending fences, and other workman like tasks. That was a new thing as was the idea that people copuld govern themselves without the nod from kings and their brand of mounted men. America is the first place to have its economic basis not on the Royal lands, ports and mines but on taxes voted on by the people or their representatives. People who had the absolute right to try any lawful economic activity, or occupation of their choice, the freedom to try. They also had the right to sell anything they were in lawful possession of, the freedom to sell. They had the freedom to buy anything they could afford, Finally they had the freedom to fail. Being possessed of the freedoms to buy , try, sell and fail their "inalienable freedoms of speech, religion, assembly , and representative governments were rarely challenged as they are today by the Democratic party. The Democrats aim at the freedom to fail. THey want to assure equality of outcomes. Of course once the freedom to fail falls, people will object to a planned economy that takes from the successful and gives to not only the needy but the indolant. Well the ruling party can't have that so freedom of speech quickly disappears. The last man left standing with a "bully pulpit" to castigate such a government is inevitably the religious minister, so its off to the death camps with them. Despite all of the great lies told by the Democrats remember that the Nazis were a nationalist socialists party. In 2020 if the American people fail to reelect Donald Trump you will be electing a National Socialists party and all that it implies. America as you have known it will be gone forever.
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