UPDATED 12/28/2018/ 11 30/2019

Brian KolfageJr
EDITOR'S NOTE: We now see that while the people are building the wall on privately held border lands there is still going to be a need for the federal government. Mexican interests have bought up a great deal of US side border property. This assures gaps in any barrier where the Feds have not exercised rights of imminent domain.
EDITORS NOTE: January 14, 2019
THE BUILD THE WALL FUND IS NO LONGER JUST FUNDING THE WALL THEY ARE BUILDING IT AND THE FEDS CAN'T STOP THEM. Brian Kolfage's Gofundme drive to finance the wall started running into issues of Federal non cooperation. So the focus has changed. The fund is actually starting to build the wall on private lands in cooperation with land owners who abut the border. No one can stop them. At the point where the focus changed from simply funding the wall to actually building it the fund was raising about $1 million every day and half. You can still donate, the monies are now being used as we write this to build wall sections. More over according to Brian Kolfage: " "Our highly experienced team is highly confident that we can complete significant segments of the wall in less time, and for far less money, than the federal government, while meeting or exceeding all required regulatory, engineering, and environmental specifications". Go to for more details.
Brian Kolfage is a medically retired member of the US Air Force who lost two legs and a hand and wrist in Iraq. Like about 61 million other Americans he believes in border security and is convinced, as is President Donald Trump, that the situation on our Southern Border is such that a physical wall is absolutely needed. Meanwhile a negligent House of Representatives has been elected that has no intention of funding the wall construction despite what the people want ,and the fact that construction has already started, and that in the end, Mexico will be forced to reimburse the U.S. Treasury (read why and how HERE) .
If every one of the estimated 61 million Trump supporters denoted $80 this would cover the complete wall construction. But even if the gofundme campaign launched by Brian fell well short of that goal, the fact that as of this writing his campaign has raised nearly $1 million is reasonable assurance that the construction will continue. Meanwhile, the Democrats continue to try to open the border so that they can register more illegal democratic voters.
We be;lieve that Brian is correct and that the Trump Administration is legally able to accept the donated funds for this express purpose. We trust the assurances that Brian has described in his gofundme posting. Learn more about Brian personally at Facebook. We think Brian is right about both the need for the wall and the ability of we the people to directly fund it. We believe he is a trust worthy guy and the perfect leader for this people's movement. Show the new Democratic Party House of Representatives that if they don't look out for the people we will look out for our selves and we will remember who betrayed our trust in 2020. Be sure to read the how and why, eventually we will recoup costs from Mexico (HERE). When we do, if we the people fund the wall we will be in a good position to insist the incoming revenues from Mexico go to border security. Our Socialists neighbor to the North, Canada has begun to welcome immigration by supposed "former" ISIS members. We share the longest open border in the world with Canada. Soon we will need a very expensive second wall. As long as the Democratic party continues to exist and win elections, any election our national security is up to us. Donate to the wall and vote Republican, even if you feel that you have to hold your nose to do it.
If you prefer to not donate on line but would like to support the wall send your check to:
Make Payable to : "WeFund The Wall" C/O
Brian Kolfage
4833 Front St. Unit B-158
Castle Rock, CO 80104
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