Our SPACE AS AN OCEAN E-Book morphed into PROTOCOLS once we examined the COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE. We felt certain that our first encounter with life in outer space would be microbial, and in fact we've seen previous evidence that something like this could happen.
Russia's space agency has confirmed that traces of sea plankton and other micro -organisms were found living on the exterior of the International space Station. The microorganisms on the exterior of the International Space Station appears to have been there for quite some time. Not quite as voracious and fecund as barnacles on a ship, but a sort of space barnacle that over time could have similar effects on a Space station to that of barnacles on a ship. Cosmonauts Olek Artemyev and Alexander Skvortsov discovered the evidence of a microorganism colony during a routine space walk inspecting the exterior of the station. According to the Russian news agency ITAR-TASS they collected samples and sent them back on one of the supply/crew change capsules for lab analysis. Lab examination confirmed that the samples were micro organisms and micro organic remnants familiar on earth but ruled out that the sea plankton was on anything launched to the station or parts of the station at launch.
Dr. Valadimir Solovyev, head of the Russian participation in the ISS mission said that plankton in the stages of development found on the stations exterior surface may be found on the surface of Earth's oceans. Solovyev speculated that there are rare uplifting air currents that may reach the low earth orbit station .Apparently a variety of earth origin microorganisms can survive zero gravity, freezing temperatures, lack of oxygen,and cosmic radiation. Solovyev called the discovery "absolutely unique". We however saw something like this coming and want to strike a cautionary note.

Photo ISS mission crew-Public Domain
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As we were researching the portion of our E book PROTOCOLS we became aware of some scientific writings suggestive of the idea that many micro organisms or proto organisms like viruses can survive exposure to space. Their size and low weight don't require the kind of lift to the edge of space that our technology does. Here is the scary part, if there are other planets producing microorganisms they can escape into space too. Moreover there is evidence to support that any such microorganisms that get caught in the earth's gravitational pull are afforded a rather gentle "float down" reentry. Many of the seemingly out of nowhere virus that we see once in a while may actually have originated elsewhere and entered our atmosphere from outer space. Clearly the Russian discovery proves the theory is possible, perhaps even probable.
We think that what happened is the microbes arrived on these atmospheric up wellings and found a neat colony site in near perennial twilight on the station structure. A space station or a pockmarked meteor would have nooks and crannies where there is shelter from full sunlight preventing the microbe from burning up, but enough daylight long enough to prevent hard freezing. No doubt there are microbes that could survive a very long time in such a semi sheltered location. If accorded a reentry opportunity to reach an opportune environment such micro organisms may thrive. Orbits of softball sized meteors that get trapped in earth orbit decay just as artificial satellite orbits decay. When they fall to earth most of their mass incinerates creating the "shooting stars" we liked to watch as kids. However, some microorganisms that may have made it to the core might survive if enough mass survives to reach the planet's surface. There is also the possibility of detachment from the falling object before it reaches heat generating velocity.
OUR POINT IS THAT WE HAVE NOW VERIFIED THAT OUR OWN PLANET OCCASIONALLY SPITS MICROORGANISMS INTO SPACE THAT HAVE SURVIVAL POTENTIAL. IF EARTH CAN DO THAT ANY PLANET WITH AN ATMOSPHERE THAT GENERATES MICROORGANISMS CAN DO IT. Indeed space is looking more and more like an Ocean all the time. But apparently we haven't learned much from the Columbian Exchange. The transfer of the organisms to earth didn't seem to follow much in the way of sanitation / isolation protocols. We didn't know about such things at all during the European Sea Recognizance and lots of plants and animals got spread around and are still being spread and becoming either valued agricultural products , or feral pests. The first exchange in the Columbian Exchange was microbial and it reduced the native population of the Americas by millions in a relatively short time. What our E book asks in comparing the Columbian Exchange with our search for extraterrestrial life is, do we have the sanitation / isolation protocols in place to insure that our first encounter with extraterrestrial life won't repeat the negative effects of the inadvertent and ignorantly conducted still on going Columbian Exchange? Well, we have just discovered for the first time life inhabiting outer space , it may not be extraterrestrial in origin but it was certainly in an extraterrestrial location. It wasn't found by guys searching for life, or on a mission that included specialists for such activity. Basically our first discovery of life in outer space was by two guys doing maintenance. Apparently they just sent it home in a baggie with a note. WE BETTER DO A LOT BETTER THAN THAT WHEN WE ENCOUNTER REAL ALIEN MICROBES. Please read: American Admiralty Books Safety & Privacy Policies
PROTOCOLS, Space As An Ocean:
Dr. Valadimir Solovyev, head of the Russian participation in the ISS mission said that plankton in the stages of development found on the stations exterior surface may be found on the surface of Earth's oceans. Solovyev speculated that there are rare uplifting air currents that may reach the low earth orbit station .Apparently a variety of earth origin microorganisms can survive zero gravity, freezing temperatures, lack of oxygen,and cosmic radiation. Solovyev called the discovery "absolutely unique". We however saw something like this coming and want to strike a cautionary note.
Photo ISS mission crew-Public Domain
American Admiralty Books Safety & Privacy Policies
As we were researching the portion of our E book PROTOCOLS we became aware of some scientific writings suggestive of the idea that many micro organisms or proto organisms like viruses can survive exposure to space. Their size and low weight don't require the kind of lift to the edge of space that our technology does. Here is the scary part, if there are other planets producing microorganisms they can escape into space too. Moreover there is evidence to support that any such microorganisms that get caught in the earth's gravitational pull are afforded a rather gentle "float down" reentry. Many of the seemingly out of nowhere virus that we see once in a while may actually have originated elsewhere and entered our atmosphere from outer space. Clearly the Russian discovery proves the theory is possible, perhaps even probable.
We think that what happened is the microbes arrived on these atmospheric up wellings and found a neat colony site in near perennial twilight on the station structure. A space station or a pockmarked meteor would have nooks and crannies where there is shelter from full sunlight preventing the microbe from burning up, but enough daylight long enough to prevent hard freezing. No doubt there are microbes that could survive a very long time in such a semi sheltered location. If accorded a reentry opportunity to reach an opportune environment such micro organisms may thrive. Orbits of softball sized meteors that get trapped in earth orbit decay just as artificial satellite orbits decay. When they fall to earth most of their mass incinerates creating the "shooting stars" we liked to watch as kids. However, some microorganisms that may have made it to the core might survive if enough mass survives to reach the planet's surface. There is also the possibility of detachment from the falling object before it reaches heat generating velocity.
OUR POINT IS THAT WE HAVE NOW VERIFIED THAT OUR OWN PLANET OCCASIONALLY SPITS MICROORGANISMS INTO SPACE THAT HAVE SURVIVAL POTENTIAL. IF EARTH CAN DO THAT ANY PLANET WITH AN ATMOSPHERE THAT GENERATES MICROORGANISMS CAN DO IT. Indeed space is looking more and more like an Ocean all the time. But apparently we haven't learned much from the Columbian Exchange. The transfer of the organisms to earth didn't seem to follow much in the way of sanitation / isolation protocols. We didn't know about such things at all during the European Sea Recognizance and lots of plants and animals got spread around and are still being spread and becoming either valued agricultural products , or feral pests. The first exchange in the Columbian Exchange was microbial and it reduced the native population of the Americas by millions in a relatively short time. What our E book asks in comparing the Columbian Exchange with our search for extraterrestrial life is, do we have the sanitation / isolation protocols in place to insure that our first encounter with extraterrestrial life won't repeat the negative effects of the inadvertent and ignorantly conducted still on going Columbian Exchange? Well, we have just discovered for the first time life inhabiting outer space , it may not be extraterrestrial in origin but it was certainly in an extraterrestrial location. It wasn't found by guys searching for life, or on a mission that included specialists for such activity. Basically our first discovery of life in outer space was by two guys doing maintenance. Apparently they just sent it home in a baggie with a note. WE BETTER DO A LOT BETTER THAN THAT WHEN WE ENCOUNTER REAL ALIEN MICROBES. Please read: American Admiralty Books Safety & Privacy Policies
PROTOCOLS, Space As An Ocean:
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