Barque: ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLT II, Named for the Oceanographer
Photo by Hans Georg Schroder
If you want more detail after the video click on the INTRODUCTION page in the right hand margin.
SPACE AS AN OCEAN. Excerpts from the Book PROTOCOLS.
We hope that you had an opportunity over the week end to read our introduction to this series, and perhaps to at least view parts one and two of the video we linked you to "500 Nations". Those two posts; our explanation, suggested background readings, and videos and the actual forward from the book PROTOCOLS were our way of helping you prepare for today's posting in the Space as Ocean series. Today we launch you right back past 1492 and into the "School of Henry the Navigator". Instead of describing the Portuguese circumnavigation of Africa we send you off on mission impossible with real life historical Portuguese naval intelligence agent,Pedro de Covijao to the east coast of Africa, India, and beyond overland and on Arab vessels before any of Henry's navigators actually reach these places. 1492 may have been a year that changed the world, but 1487 starts a period of years that will blow your mind. You thought that you knew European history, buckle your seat belts and stick with us the next couple weeks for voyages through space and time stranger than any fiction.
NEWS ALERTS: IRAN HAS THOUSANDS OF HIGH SPEED SMALL PATROL BOATS NOW THEY CLAIM THESE ARE ANTI SHIP MISSILE CAPABLE. This is bad news if true. The lesson of the BISMARK is that a bunch of cheap vessels can gang up on even the most sophisticated and deadly vessel and bring it down. http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=9107112870
IRAN HAS A PLAN TO CREATE A GIANT OIL SPILL TO CLOSE THE STRAITS OF HORMUZ: http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/iranians-planning-to-create-environmental-catastrophe-in-hormuz-strait-a-861343.html We shouldn't forget an important lesson from the BP spill. Oil in semi tropical waters does bio degrade rather quickly. Keeping that fact in mind the West could turn the tables on Iran if it uses the oil slick weapon. We can offer significant protection to the small coast of OMAN no one has to clean up Iran's beaches for them. They will suffer environmental damage for years but not the decades that it takes for nature to heal spills in cold waters. Such self inflicted damage shouldn't endear the regime to the people.
BEIJING — China has begun flight training on its first aircraft carrier, with photographs posted on websites Monday showing navy pilots practicing touch-and-go landing exercises. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/15/liaoning-china-aircraft-carrier_n_1966958.html
The National Anthem is performed today by Rhema Marranne (age 7 at the time of the recording)

If you want more detail after the video click on the INTRODUCTION page in the right hand margin.
SPACE AS AN OCEAN. Excerpts from the Book PROTOCOLS.
We hope that you had an opportunity over the week end to read our introduction to this series, and perhaps to at least view parts one and two of the video we linked you to "500 Nations". Those two posts; our explanation, suggested background readings, and videos and the actual forward from the book PROTOCOLS were our way of helping you prepare for today's posting in the Space as Ocean series. Today we launch you right back past 1492 and into the "School of Henry the Navigator". Instead of describing the Portuguese circumnavigation of Africa we send you off on mission impossible with real life historical Portuguese naval intelligence agent,Pedro de Covijao to the east coast of Africa, India, and beyond overland and on Arab vessels before any of Henry's navigators actually reach these places. 1492 may have been a year that changed the world, but 1487 starts a period of years that will blow your mind. You thought that you knew European history, buckle your seat belts and stick with us the next couple weeks for voyages through space and time stranger than any fiction.
NEWS ALERTS: IRAN HAS THOUSANDS OF HIGH SPEED SMALL PATROL BOATS NOW THEY CLAIM THESE ARE ANTI SHIP MISSILE CAPABLE. This is bad news if true. The lesson of the BISMARK is that a bunch of cheap vessels can gang up on even the most sophisticated and deadly vessel and bring it down. http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=9107112870
IRAN HAS A PLAN TO CREATE A GIANT OIL SPILL TO CLOSE THE STRAITS OF HORMUZ: http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/iranians-planning-to-create-environmental-catastrophe-in-hormuz-strait-a-861343.html We shouldn't forget an important lesson from the BP spill. Oil in semi tropical waters does bio degrade rather quickly. Keeping that fact in mind the West could turn the tables on Iran if it uses the oil slick weapon. We can offer significant protection to the small coast of OMAN no one has to clean up Iran's beaches for them. They will suffer environmental damage for years but not the decades that it takes for nature to heal spills in cold waters. Such self inflicted damage shouldn't endear the regime to the people.
BEIJING — China has begun flight training on its first aircraft carrier, with photographs posted on websites Monday showing navy pilots practicing touch-and-go landing exercises. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/15/liaoning-china-aircraft-carrier_n_1966958.html
Marad's Ship Financing Policyhttp://www.marinelink.com/news/financing-marads-policy348273.aspxWorld City America insists Obama Administration Torpedoing U.S. FlagCruise Industry.
The National Anthem is performed today by Rhema Marranne (age 7 at the time of the recording)
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