Butch Butler
Butch Butler, a professional fishing guide and member of Johnas Presbyter's g-circle sent a link to a source for some unique fishing maps. These digital fishing maps load directly into your GPS, I-Phone or Tablet. Way better than even the old spiral bound plastic covered versions. The company that puts these maps out works with paid professional sport fishermen in six different coastal states to produce maps that not only contain the important geographic and topographic features but also information on where the fish are. These maps cover coastal regions of North Carolina and some adjacent states. We can't offer an opinion on their navigational value but assuming that you know how to navigate, these charts tell you something that no NOAA chart ever will, where the fish are! The charts are interactive you can add your own information to them and they come with various fishing tips from the contributors. These are tournament proven hot fishing spots presented in graphic nautical chart like format. This link will take you to the North Carolina vendor that Butch alerted us to: We'll continue to be on the look out for this sort of product and keep all of our fishing buddies informed. We have a regular FISHING page always worth checking. But we are developing a cartography page within our NAVIGATION SECTION and the cartography section is probably the best place to look for cartography products. A "Cartography product" is exactly what these digital "fishing maps" are graphic information presented in the map like form or superimposed over an actual topographic map or navigation chart. We haven't used this product yet nor evaluated it. If you have we'd appreciate a comment. In the interest of full disclosure we are not advertising this fishing map producer at this time. We'd really appreciate some feed back. Meanwhile, well south of the Carolinas, Capt. Butch is in Florida fishing Lake Okeechobee. To learn more about Lake Okeechobee and fishing resources there check out: http://www.okeechobeeguide.com/
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