Greetings Bipeds !
No doubt you have heard by now of the mosque burning in Quebec on January 29th. In addition to the torching of the mosque six people were shot to death by invading gunmen. If you became aware of it through either American or Canadian net work news the odds are 3 to 1 that the story was immediately followed by features or unlabeled editorial commentary to the effect that President Trump's 90 day hold on visa holders from six particular nations that are hot beds of Islamic terrorism was to blame. But today , January 30th the MSM is strangely comparatively silent. Why would the lefty liberal MSM not jump on this opportunity to defame the President they utterly and openly hate? Simple, the story no longer fits their narrative.
It now appears more probable than not that rival "conservative muslims" (read violent Jihad against the West supporters) burned down the Moderate mosque whose Imam was sufficiently against separation of mosque and state. The main stream media simply doesn't need any more pointed examples of their bias just now. Network owners are slowly becoming aware that a large portion of the public no longer buys their propaganda disguised as "journalism" anymore.(see:http://americanadmiraltybooks.blogspot.com/2017/01/what-you-can-do-to-bring-back.html ) So the news turns strangely quiet on the story, limiting air time and down playing the facts.
The first hint that Islamophobia was not the cause of the violence was the leaking of the fact that the gun men were shouting "Allahu Akhbar" while attacking. Then, via the Imam of the attacked mosque, the story of the defection and founding of a rival mosque by disaffected militants emerged. It is an oft repeated story in Islam. The Qumran definitely and in no uncertain words, demands that Muslims convert, tax to the eyeballs, or kill the rest of you bipeds, no ifs buts or maybes. A few hundred million out of the 1.3 billion Muslims on Earth want to ignore this embarrassing fact about the religion and practice a modernized and less violent form that accepts separation of mosque and state. The rest of Islam brands them heretics and demands their deaths in any jurisdiction where they feel they can get away with it. Apparently Quebec must be thought to be one of those jurisdictions. SORRY MSM LEFTARDS BUT THIS IS LOOKING LIKE A SALIFISTS MURDER AND ARSON SPREE AGAINST MURTADEEN. (Or Muslim on Muslim crime for those of you unschooled in Islamic history and doctrine, which is virtually all of the MSM) .
Unfortunately,beautiful and liberal Quebec is the victim of one of several age old civil wars going on within the world of Islam. Muslims do not want to assimilate into the Western nations presently receiving them in stupendous numbers. Their civil wars are just one of the evils you bring upon your society when your officials lack the common sense to maintain your borders and keep dangerous people out. It is the nature of deadly snakes to bite. It is foolish to let them into your house in the hopes that they will change. They may disappear into nooks and crannies or under furniture for a while. But when you least expect it, they emerge and bite. Americans and Canadians, really, you need to fire all office holder who are bringing you this hazard. Then you need to throw out every Muslim who refuses to assimilate, not just the violent proven criminals.
The unassimilated fund the violent Jihad through many "Islamic Charities". Mosques on North American soil are the centers for the Jihad against the rest of us. But we have no need to burn them out. They will eventually burn each other out. The Muslims who will escape their own violence will be the ones who assimilate by converting to secularism, or an actual religion and avoiding contact with other Muslims , staying away from Mosques, sticking with one wife, and avoiding welfare fraud. North America offers a wide range of opportunities to express and share your religious impulses, why pick a "religion" that preaches that you should murder your neighbor and seek martyrdom for yourself.? Assimilate for the sake of yourselves, your children and your children's children.
The election of Donald Trump and his newly emerging immigration reforms are not the cause of the problem. Islam is, and people of North America are starting to react. Those Muslims who want to carve out strictly Muslim enclaves are setting themselves up for easy containment by law enforcement authorities as soon as the protective and insane liberals are removed from office. Within those soon to be contained enclaves the unassimilated will quickly descend into more outright civil war and kill off their troublesome selves. Those who want to avoid that fate need only assimilate. Fortunately they will find there are very few obstacles to assimilation if you can avoid Islam's death sentence for apostasy. Once you separate yourself form the Islamic community in favor of the national culture you have little to fear from the Apostasy death squads outside of the self imposed Islamic ghettos.
Muslim bipeds, Come on out and breath the air of freedom!
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