Ukraine to Propose Russia's Ouster from Black Sea Naval Force- Report
According to reports of ITAR-TASS and the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA), the Ukraine is expected to propose that Russia be excluded from the Black Sea Naval Force (BLACKSEAFOR) at a high-level sitting of experts to be held in Bulgaria. The meeting is scheduled Bulgaria's Black Sea city of Varna in mid-May. The BLACKSEAFOR naval cooperation task group was created in early 2001. NATO member Turkey started the organization which now includes the Black Sea coastal states of Russia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine. There is no love lost between Georgia and Russia so that's two votes in favor. Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey will of course do what they feel is in their best national interest which may be to hold your friends close, and your enemies closer. With Turkey enforcing rules that keep NATO unable to come and go from the region in force and at will we doubt that being kicked out of BLACKSEAFOR will make much of an impression on Russsia , if it happens at all.

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