FRIDAY JULY 26, 2013
The Christian Radich is a Norwegian full rigged sailing ship. The steel-hulled , three-masted ship carries a total of about 1360 square meters of sail. She is based in Oslo, Norway and has a crew of 18, and capable of carrying 88 passengers. Photo: Public Domain
About my generation: General Colin Powell once said:
"There were more of you at Da Nang`than at Woodstock."
Well, honestly we would have preferred Woodstock, but the "Cold War" was in full global contest, and Vietnam was the hottest area, and we were all "invited" to be somewhere else for Woodstock. We notice that a lot of you are not taking advantage of our daily National anthem feature. Frankly we think this nation rocks, but maybe we need to start rocking the anthem a bit to get you aboard for the daily warm up. Check this out :
FRIDAY JULY 26, 2013
The above link takes you to Part 1, Part 2 is just down the scroll. If the scroll appears to have stopped click on "Older Posts" at the bottom right hand corner of the post and part 2 will pop into view
We are constructing a Namazu archive at: http://americanadmiraltybooks2.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_6.html
YOU ARE AT THE BLOG POSTS. Posts on a wide variety of maritime subjects are on a very long scroll with the most recent just below the daily station ID and Notice Board. You may scroll down through well over 1,000 postings or use the list of posts below the "Special Interest Pages ". To jump straight to a particular date or title click on the list to your right below the "Special Interest pages"(INTRODUCTION AND SITE GUIDE, ADMIRALTY LAW, AUTHORITATIVE LITERATURE BOAT BUILDING,etc.) by date or title. Watch this space for news on coming new features that reduce scrolling to find things. The "Special Interest Pages" contain book reviews, book recommendations and suggestions, videos free or linked for purchase, explanatory notes, links to other informative sites on the subject of interest, occasionally free E-books to read on line, and in some cases on line shops for related equipment.
If you don't find the book you need among those we have reviewed so far or linked to click into the Amazon general search engine via the link below or as provided within our special interest sections which you reach by clicking on their titles listed to your right
We think the following links to major sites aligned with our "Special Interest Pages" can often provide answers to commonly asked questions:
A NAVAL NEWS CLIPPING SERVICE: NOSI Naval Open Source Intelligence:
OCEANOGRAPHY: The Scripts Institute
"There were more of you at Da Nang`than at Woodstock."
Well, honestly we would have preferred Woodstock, but the "Cold War" was in full global contest, and Vietnam was the hottest area, and we were all "invited" to be somewhere else for Woodstock. We notice that a lot of you are not taking advantage of our daily National anthem feature. Frankly we think this nation rocks, but maybe we need to start rocking the anthem a bit to get you aboard for the daily warm up. Check this out :
FRIDAY JULY 26, 2013
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Bipeds We Gotta Talk:
We're down to fewer days than you can count on the fingers of one hand. The Bot is grossly under backed. The current Indiegogo funding drive closes soon. Donate now lets close with a bang. We may not have made the goal but funds were raised, and the pursuit of a diving, intelligent coral repairing robot goes on. After a while there will be more funding drives. The AAB crew will not forget. So as "7 of 9" says:

BACK THE BOT! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.We'll just keep reminding you until you do. CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO DONATE.
http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/coralbots-restoring-and-conserving-coral-reefs-with-robots Click on the link below to read Namazu's detailed instruction on how to turn your donation in Bot research into enhanced sex appeal. http://americanadmiraltybooks.blogspot.com/2013/06/642012-back-bot-back-bot-great-namazu.html)

Namazu, Japanese Giant Catfish and Former Demigod, Now an Analyst for AAB
NMAZU's Novenber 7, 2012 Famous Address: "NAMAZU FULLY LOADED PARTS 1 & 2 " the contents of which are now being used on the nightly network news and corporate projections. Learn the near term future of America if you haven't read it before.NEWS OF THE NAMAZU
Namazu, Japanese Giant Catfish and Former Demigod, Now an Analyst for AAB
The above link takes you to Part 1, Part 2 is just down the scroll. If the scroll appears to have stopped click on "Older Posts" at the bottom right hand corner of the post and part 2 will pop into view
We are constructing a Namazu archive at: http://americanadmiraltybooks2.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_6.html
YOU ARE AT THE BLOG POSTS. Posts on a wide variety of maritime subjects are on a very long scroll with the most recent just below the daily station ID and Notice Board. You may scroll down through well over 1,000 postings or use the list of posts below the "Special Interest Pages ". To jump straight to a particular date or title click on the list to your right below the "Special Interest pages"(INTRODUCTION AND SITE GUIDE, ADMIRALTY LAW, AUTHORITATIVE LITERATURE BOAT BUILDING,etc.) by date or title. Watch this space for news on coming new features that reduce scrolling to find things. The "Special Interest Pages" contain book reviews, book recommendations and suggestions, videos free or linked for purchase, explanatory notes, links to other informative sites on the subject of interest, occasionally free E-books to read on line, and in some cases on line shops for related equipment.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
UNLOCKING THE MARITIME WORLD: Our mission is literally to unlock the maritime world by making all English language maritime data easy to find, available, evaluated when possible, and affordable. We suggest checking our subject pages to your right first, by clicking on the subject section most like your particular interest. If that doesn't answer your question come back here and click any of the "super links" below that appear most appropriate, the broadest and most general is hyper linked just below. This is an entire web site of nothing but links to maritime websites and blogs of every description.
"The Mother of All Maritime Links":
If you don't find the book you need among those we have reviewed so far or linked to click into the Amazon general search engine via the link below or as provided within our special interest sections which you reach by clicking on their titles listed to your right
We think the following links to major sites aligned with our "Special Interest Pages" can often provide answers to commonly asked questions:ADMIRALTY or MARITIME LAW:
A NAVAL NEWS CLIPPING SERVICE: NOSI Naval Open Source Intelligence:
OCEANOGRAPHY: The Scripts Institute
SHIPINDEX.ORG Find publications that mention a particular ship recently or deep into recorded history: http://www.shipindex.org/ limited free service very reasonable short and long term subscriptions.
Boating and Water Safety:
Mario Vittone-BE SAFE- http://mariovittone.com/
NOTICE BOARD: In today's blog space (1) China Stands Up New "Coast Guard" (2) Notice From The Sports Fishing Alliance, Opportunity for Public Discussion (3) Our Favorite Fish Book
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