The CORALBOT Program continues but is in constant need of funds the July 2013 indiegogo fund raiser closed with only about 1/3 of the goal raised. However unlike the KickStarter fund raiser the project will actually collect about 94% of what was pledged. There will be other fundraisers in the future we are sure and probably on the indiegogo site as well as other sorts of fund raising. We have previously posted in our blog page posts describing our independent maritime professionals verifications that the technology for this project is feasible and within reach, funding is the major obstacle. We will continue to monitor and report on the project, especially funding efforts. We are also going to start installing links to our various writings on the project including, verification essays, and some of the more fun, fund raising essays. We will report on new developments with the program and cover all new funding efforts.
Remember that nearly all coral restoration projects around the world right now are funded by academic, or non profit organizations, with only the rare project enjoying government funding. Coral reef restoration is a diver labor intensive and expensive project. The CoralBot will make it far less expensive, and faster. This is the kind of breakthrough that could turn the corner of the effort at coral reef restoration from a slowing of the cumulative damage to actually gaining momentum on restoration. We won't be able to restore the world's coral reefs to their pre-industrial damaged condition in time to pass them on to our children. But if we could pass them the Coral Bot and a few years of operational experience using it, we could at least pass the means to restore these unique marine ecosystems in their life times. Follow development of the CoralBot here and on their website: Below is the link to indiegogo site. You might want to monitor it to check for up coming funding opportunities for the bot.
Ocean Bots: Learn about and hopefully contribute to the development of these diving robots intended to help repair the world's damaged coral reefs Contact the Bot staff to find out how to donate between indiegogog campaigns:
Interestingly we didn't find the Coral-bot story in the maritime trade journals but on the Google circles site of actress Jeri Ryan. We also found our first news of "The Solar Road" which Namazu pontificated about on May 1, 2013. We are now tracking a story about a nineteen year old who has invented something that helps clean plastic out of the oceans that we first learned of at the Jeri Ryan site. Jeri Ryan once played the "cyborg" "7 of 9" in one of the Star Trek series. Probably because of that role a lot of her fans seem highly techno savvy and get into some discussions that reveal some cutting edge technological developments, several of which in recent days have oceanographic, or coastal zone management applications. We did not find these developments in the maritime trade journals that our staff monitors. Unfortunately we don't have the paid staff to monitor non specifically maritime sites but obviously maritime developments of interest appear anywhere at any time. So we ask our readers who are inclined to visit Jeri Ryan's and similar sites to alert us with a comment in this section when they see something of interest.
We Bring You This Link In The Hope of making Three Points. (1) Coral Reef Restoration Methods Are Evolving (2) And Those Already In Use Do Work. (3) The Present Methodologies Are Diver Labor Intensive.
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Photo Capture from the linked site: "Fragments of Hope"
Early in the predawn hours of this morning (May 28,2913) the Coral Bot KickStarter Project failed to meet its fund raising goal and the effort entered the dust bin of Internet history. In the KickStarter Program projects that do not receive pledges of support equaling 100% of the stated funding goal receive no funds. The "Coral Bot" once into production will replace the divers you see in the above photo doing simple hand labor with a swarm of small diving robots that don't have to come up for air, worry about decompression, or fatigue and can complete the same tasks in a fraction of the time of human divers. Click on one of the links provided to view a FaceBook page titled "FRAGMENTS OF HOPE" about coral reef restoration efforts and experiments in Belize run by Lisa Carne who is also listed as member of the "Wider CoralBot Team". There is some wonderful underwater photography on the site. More over the site demonstrates far better than our reassuring words that Coral reef restoration does work, so anything that improves it is worth supporting. So when we asked you to "back the bot" we were operating from solid proven precepts that coral restoration can be done. We also know that swarm robotics can be done. What is needed is money. Corporations are not interested in coral reefs unless they want to drill through one. If people want coral reefs, people that's you and me, have to support them with lots and lots of small people sized donations. The CoralBot KickStarter project may be over but the bot lives! There are still ways that you can donate. We'll be telling you more about the "Bot's progress" and donation/participation opportunities as time goes by. There will be Bot updates in our daily station Identification and notice boards, blog postings with links like this one and regular features in our Oceanography and Diving pages. SO KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BOT RIGHT HERE AND KEEP YOUR WALLET HAND FREE FOR A QUICK DRAW WHEN WE POST THE INFORMATION ON HOW TO FINANCIALLY SUPPORT THE BOT!
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