Ummm, pretty much we link you to this story tongue in Cheek
Alert: Escaped Ukrainian Navy Dolphins May Have Guns
- Killer Ukrainian dolphins on the loose
- Dolphins are trained by navy to blow stuff up
- Possibly just looking for dolphin love, not known when they'll return
WE interrupt your morning coffee to bring you extremely worrying news of three rogue dolphins on the loose.
In even more worrying news, the dolphins almost certainly have pistols and/or knives strapped to their heads and possibly their fins.
Here's the most frightening thing of all. This is not a gee-up. We repeat, this is not a gee-up.
If you still think it is a gee-up, you clearly haven't been paying attention to the Russian International News Agency RIA Novosti, which overnight reported that three of the Ukrainian navy's killer dolphins are on the loose.
Yes, killer Ukrainian Dolphins. There were five in the force and they all went rogue earlier this month. Two came back after a few days. But the other three are still out there...
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