Saturday, September 1, 2012



(Continued from Last Week End)

A totally Different Motley Crew in a Totally Different Place and Time

  Last weekend we introduced you to some of the crew that makes up American Admiralty Informational Services,  (the loose network of maritime academics and operators who generate the American Admiralty Book Blog). We explained that since we are dedicated to the truth it is necessary to avoid, among other things, the use of real names. You see all too often in America lately power doesn't want to hear truth. Unfortunately power doesn't want you to hear it either. Many of us in the AAIS are dependent on federal pensions or are in active federal service. The Feds have many ways of silencing their own if employee or service member writings can be in any way mistaken for official positions. So we are up front about our "outlaw" status. We avoid any and all reference to ranks or titles or real names. We also avoid all classified and sensitive subjects ( but not politically sensitive subjects or embarrassing subjects).  So while truth is best served with our identities secret, we feel you have a right to know why we are considered experts in the maritime fields, so we associate resumes with pen names in this series.

 Last week you were introduced to Og (Old Guy), Master of steam, motor and sail, any gross tons, Chief Purser, former steamship agent, maritime regulatory law practitioner, author, and former government analysts, naval and Coast Guard veteran, among other things. We also introduced you to SOG (Semi Old Guy), second in command and serious scholar , cyber guru to the rest of us. And Buck, our irrepressible "attitude coach". Today we want you meet "Capn Ben". "Capn Ben's " pen persona is older than the real guy, but since he will get older every day we thought that was OK. The real person represented by "Capn Ben" is just 30 years of age and a combat veteran of the Marine Corps, and now an oceanographer and commissioned officer of one of the sea services which will go unnamed. " Capn Ben" is a real life navigator executing navigational and oceanic research duties daily. He is responsible for the Oceanography page and a major contributor to the Navigation page including the "special features" that show you how to use your lap top as a force multiplier for the effectiveness of such navigational tools as your GPS. The "Captain's"hobbies include cinematography and he is assisting us with many of the growing visual elements of the blog. He is also a contributor of news items and occasional comments. "Capn Ben" author of "Capn Ben's technical Corner is our regularly employed early mid career mariner. What he brings to the effort is the insight of daily work at sea on modern ships. We had hoped to feature another crew member or two today but the PJ's barriestas are giving me that look, like either consume another gallon of coffee or pack your lap top and split.  So we'll close it out here and get back to you later.

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