Saturday, September 22, 2012

On the Road 2

On The Road Again



 Thank you boat builders it looks like visitors to our "BOAT BUILDING" page will again exceed all other visitors for any one page. In response we stepped up our priority on building content for you. We have added many free video links, book reviews and book/ video links in recent days. But last week we added something entirely new, links to other boat building web sites. Books and videos are not the only source of boat building information. Different types of boat building activity generate their own on line communities and blogs. We are trying to find these for you, visit, evaluate, and report. We try  to provide hyper links directly to those we believe are worth your attention. We are also presently reviewing and linking you to boat building schools and courses.

We will be constantly expanding BOAT BUILDING but keep in mind our mission is to explore and report / recommend English language sources of maritime information. We are not a blog for a specific community of particular interest, that's why we seek out , review and link you to such. We solicit your comments on particular books, videos, or web sites/blogs on boat building but we are not the forum for discussing the best source for wood glue, or boat clamps. We are here for the encyclopedic treatment of maritime subjects and the evaluation of available detailed information and linkage to worthwhile sources of detailed information be it from books, videos, or blogs / websites, or even schools. This is the site where any sort of maritime research should begin. But this site was never meant to be the end of the rainbow.  

 Thanks again boat builders for your interest and loyalty to the site. Even when you don't buy books or videos from us every click drives advertising and that helps produce the revenues that support this effort. Our ultimate goal is to open the vast world of maritime information to anyone in need of information possessed of even  the most rudimentary computer skills. If anyone can just find their way to us as so many boat builders have done, we will try to assure that they will be linked to the entire body of English language maritime information. 

 We may sell books and advertising space to help defray costs but we are not in competition with anyone. We seek out, review, evaluate and link you to information sources based entirely on their accuracy, utility, and reliability. If those sites sell books and videos that's OK by us, information should be free to the seeker, but getting it into cyber space costs time, effort and money, we encourage the efforts of all reliable and competent maritime information providers. Think of us as a specialty library that happens to sell books, videos, and advertising in their news letter.  

 Clicking here first helps support our advertising rates. If you find a resource here that we link to that meets your purpose, your click over there costs us nothing but adds to that site's click count and thus advertising revenues. Through research and shopping around keeps the internet market vibrant. The more you research your subject or purchase the more useful sites you support. By being an extensive researcher you help fund the explosion of knowledge that is the Internet, that in turn helps drive the growth in knowledge.  

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