You may have noticed that some of the imagery on this site is visible on your home computer and not on your smart phone. Unfortunately we have found that a few of our graphics do not work well with certain browsers. A difference in browser may explain why some images may be visible on your personal or work computer but not both.
We have also found that although we do not currently place paid advertising in the blog proper ( That's why we started the "SHOPPING MALL") advertising blocking soft ware cuts out some of our images. If you are seeing a few white boxes with red Xs where you think a graphic ought to be more often than not it is simply invisible to the browser application that your device is using.
The most frequent issues are with smart phones. These seem unable to handle some of our images. You might also see a graphic spelling out "Hot Link" in red lettering, but again there is no actual graphic showing or appearing after you hit the "Hot Link Button. Your browser may just be unable to process it in its present form or advertising blocking software mistakes the image for an advertisement.
Obviously we need to do better selection of our images so that they transmit across a broader range of applications. It is difficult since we use mostly public domain images for which we have little information. We are working on this. Fortunately nearly all of our graphics work perfectly if you can use "Google Chrome" as your browser. Our video links and many book links appear to work across all browsers. We are working on the few exceptions. Thank you for your patience if you are not a Google Chrome user. We apologize for the inconsistent quality of the graphics between browsers and devices.
We do seem to be improving with fewer lost images and almost no lost text across devices and browsers. Unfortunately it appears that software manufacturers and advertisers are engaged in a constant battle over advertising blocking soft ware and some times non advertising copy and images become "collateral damage". We're caught in a cross fire there and doubt that we will ever be able to completely prevent dropped or altered images and even some text from that source. Additionally we are having some issues in establishing new links with Amazon and the technical issues seem to originate beyond our computers. We are working on everything. Thank you for your patience.

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