Ukraine Mobilizes For War, Calls Up Reserves
AddPhoto of SARYCH southern most point of Ukraine on the Crimean Peninsula and used by the Russians as a naval base with Russian troops illegally occupying several maritime structure such as light houses. The territory around the Sarych headland has long been closed to non Russians by Russian troops and above the barbed wire the Russian flag has flown over the headland since Ukraine's independence from the former Soviet Union. As more Russian troops enter they already hold without contest important beach heads and bases of operation. Expect no opposed landing. Few headlines outside of the Ukraine. They will move out from these bases that they illegally never left and relatively quietly take what they want of the rest of the Peninsula. (Photo Credit: Sergiy Klymenko Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license). caption |
Reuters News Service Has the full story :
By Natalia Zinets and Alissa de Carbonnel
"KIEV/BALACLAVA, Ukraine, March 2 (Reuters) - Ukraine mobilized for war on Sunday and Washington threatened to isolate Russia economically, after President Vladimir Putin declared he had the right to invade his neighbor, creating Moscow's biggest confrontation with the West since the Cold War.
"This is not a threat: this is actually the declaration of war to my country," Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk, head of a pro-Western government that took power when Russian ally Viktor Yanukovich fled last week, said in English." Click here to go to the full story with live updates: Reuters as Carried in the WORLD POST
EDITOR'S NOTE: Unfortunately we have been predicting this event as we reported the early invasive moves by Russia since February 25, 2014 (Note linked AAB post "(3)" below. At times like this we again feel the need to remind visitors that we are not a news service per say. Our "NEWS SERVICE" page is more of a reading room linking our visitors to the world's maritime news media. We do occasionally seem to "scoop" the news services in our blog posts. This is simply a result of our analysts having some exclusive contacts and little in the way of editorial constraints on publishing. So...I'm going to take advantage of that long leash and make another prediction now. The division of the Ukraine is now in progress and Russia will carve out the Russian speaking parts as it sees fit. They probably won't eclipse the complete Ukrainian state, leaving the western leaning portions to do as they please. The United States and the West will howl in protest but not actually do anything that the Russians will find consequential. The Bear will take what it wants in the Ukraine and then turn its attention back to its Arctic land grab, and the spreading of its naval and strategic bombing forces all over the planet, especially into the Americas. If you caught our post on the upcoming Coast Guard budget it is clear that the United States is still unprepared to counter any Bear moves in the High Arctic. If you caught our post on the arrival of a Russian spy ship in Cuba a few days ago you'll also note that it drew little ink or air time in the American media and no reaction from Washington.
Those of you who have been with us for a while know that I have had my disagreement with our star analyst the Great Namazu:
Namazu, former Japanese Giant Catfish Demigod, turned Maritime Analyst, also star of stage, screen, and music album cover model, subject of artists for centuries.
But over this last year I have come to appreciate his wisdom when he urges the English speaking "bipeds" to unite in the face of the common enemies the Dragon and the Bear who are both out again to "bury you". I join his supreme catfishness in urging "English speaking bipeds unite! If you do not hang together you will surely all hang separately. "
(2 )
Those of you who have been with us for a while know that I have had my disagreement with our star analyst the Great Namazu:
But over this last year I have come to appreciate his wisdom when he urges the English speaking "bipeds" to unite in the face of the common enemies the Dragon and the Bear who are both out again to "bury you". I join his supreme catfishness in urging "English speaking bipeds unite! If you do not hang together you will surely all hang separately. "
(2 )
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